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Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:24 pm
by dazz
Hi Monie
select the default programmer in V6.1 set it to default and try again, also when you uninstalled did you also remove the flowcode folder on your c drive as this will keep the old compiler settings etc


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:14 pm
by jgu1
I've have Arduino UNO up and running and works fine except : ... 54&t=15410

Now I have received a mega2560, I can not get to run. Should this is not config itself automatically in version 6.1.0 ??

USB driver works I see it as a device when I plug it into.
I've looked in this forum but not really found the thread.

Get this message:

Target folder: C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1
Source name: C:\FlowcodeV6\Arduinoforsøg\MegaSlet.fcfx
Generated by: Flowcode v6.1.0.0
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:57:40
Users: 1
Registered to: Jorgen Gundorph
Licence key:
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat atmega2560 "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.c" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.lst"
Launching compiler...

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega2560 -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.c" -lm

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objdump.exe" -S "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" 1>"C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.lst"

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-size.exe" -B -d "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf"
text data bss dec hex filename
882 0 22 904 388 C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf

Compilation successful!
Completed compilation, return = 0

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrb.bat "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.hex" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.cof"

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.hex"

HEX file creation successful!

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O coff-avr -R .eeprom "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1\MegaSlet.cof"

COFF file creation successful!

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat m2560 wiring com8 115200 "MegaSlet.hex"

C:\FLOWCO~3\ARDUIN~1>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~2\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avrdude.exe" -p m2560 -P com8 -b 115200 -c wiring -U flash:w:"MegaSlet.hex"

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% -0.00s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9801
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_command(): command failed

avrdude.exe done. Thank you.

Error returned from [avrdude]

C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat reported error code 1


Please advice.


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:49 pm
by dazz
i can program mine but i have to reset it just before it times out, i think it may need a reset putting into the parammeters, how i dont know :)
try clicking build and you can select the arduino in a box on the right make sure it corresponds with the port you are using and try again#


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:13 pm
by jgu1
Hi Dazz!

I have tryed to reset, and FC can see the Usb port. But have you made something in your Build/'complileroption, I mean have you add the Mega 2560 and made a path in the programmer??

Should´n it run automaticly in ver6.1.0


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:01 pm
by dazz
It should be automatic, but i have to reset my mega before it programs, wsee attached pic, when it gets to that point hold the mega reset buton and release it as soon as you press ok

Untitled1.jpg (48.32 KiB) Viewed 42608 times

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:47 pm
by jgu1
Sorry Dazz,strange it Work by you it doesn´t help. Emidiately when I connect an Uno and change the config for that device, it work´s.

Do you (or other) have some more suggestion, PLS.


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:40 pm
by dazz

try this see attached pic


Untitled.jpg (56.21 KiB) Viewed 42604 times

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:48 pm
by Benj

The Uno R3 and the Mega R3 should auto detect and reprogram without needing to press reset at all.

Older Unos and Megas will likely still need the reset pushing just as you click ok as suggested by Dazz.

Therefore make sure you select the correct target Arduino (R3 or not R3 :D ) to allow the auto detect and correct programming method to be loaded.

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:11 pm
by jgu1
Hi Ben!

Thank you. My Arduino Uno Works perfect exept : viewtopic.php?f=54&t=15410 :lol: "The delay in a macro call by an interrupt "

Now I have bougth a Mega2560 and I have tryed all the possible device in the option. I am not able to program this device. Could you please have a look at my (in above) "compilermessage.


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:28 am
by Monie Jacobsen
I want to hear MM is there no more to do so I also can use Arduino?
I had uninstalled and reinstalled FC6 several times, done all you suggest it doesn´t help. I thought it would be easier to get the Arduino to run with ver.6.1.0 I can see that I am not the only one who had problems.
It's like the threads get stuck here. You wrote on your website “It has never been easyer to pprogram” For me, until now, It has be a long battle to get FC6 working.
MM will you please be so kind to try to help. I bought ver6 with Atmel package so I also could use the Arduino.

I want to use Arduino :twisted:

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:47 am
by Benj
Hello Monie,

What specific Arduino board are you using and what version of the board is it?

Here is the list of Arduino's we have bought in for testing and confirmed that Flowcode works out the box with.

Uno R3
Mega 2560 R3

We have then applied the rules from these to other older Arduinos.

If you have a different Arduino then we can look at trying to support that too, however note that as Arduino is an open source environment things can change and if the current tools like AVRdude no longer support that specific device then there is not much we can do.

There is also an issue with Avast we are currently investigating. Are you using Avast?

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:13 am
by jgu1
Hi Ben!

I know you're a busy man. But will you (please) to look at my above questions also. So, I would also be happy. :D

Thank´s in advance


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:41 am
by Monie Jacobsen
Hello Benj
Could you try to look at some of my previous questions in this forum, I have attached compiler options. I do not believe FC finfish to compile before it reports an error.

I bought Uno R3 + Mega 2560 and I installed the Arduino compiler and drivers. And I can see they are active in device manager.

User antivirusprogram ESET Smart securilty V7

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:44 am
by Benj
Hello Jorgen,

Are you using a Mega2560 or a Mega2560 R3?

We have two Mega2560 R3's which work perfectly and an older Mega2560 which doesn't work.

If it's the older one your trying to use then let us know and we can investigate why it currently isn't working.

Hello Monie,

Please can you attach your latest Flowcode .fcfx program and .msg files from 6.1 and I will investigate for you.

It does seem that compilation is not completing and this is the source of the issue.

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:16 pm
by jgu1
Hi Ben!

OK, maybe that´s the issue by me.

It's probably the item in my case. I bought one on Ebay. Next time I buy Will of course I make sure it is 2560R3 (WHO could know when all are listed in FC)

When I come home today, I will take the exact data on the 2560 I have.
As well attach a compiler message that you can look at.

So far many thanks


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:57 pm
by dazz
Hi Jorgen
One thing that stands out immediately is as below

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoB.bat  m2560 stk500v2 com6 115200 "Flowcode1.hex"

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat m2560 wiring com8 115200 "MegaSlet.hex"
Canyou attach a coppy of your arduinoA .bat and arduinoB.bat files so i can see if they are the same as mine, did you install 6.1 over the older version or did you unistall the old version and delete the flowcode folder off your hard drive
My mega 2560 is an original old one, it doesnt program automatically like my uno's but it does program if i hit the arduino reset button at the right time, when you hit compile to chip, when you get the com port pop up, hover your mouse over the ok button,hold down reset on the arduino, release reset and press ok at the same time and it should program
(3.36 KiB) Downloaded 559 times

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:29 pm
by jgu1
Hi Ben And Dazz!

My Board is : DCcEle DCduino MEGA 2560 AND TestMega is a new testprogram.

And hereby my Compilermessage:

Target folder: C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1
Source name: C:\Flowcode6\Forsøg\TestMega2560.fcfx
Generated by: Flowcode v6.1.0.0
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2014 17:02:42
Users: 1
Registered to: Jorgen Gundorph
Licence key: XXXXXX
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat atmega2560 "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.c" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.lst"
Launching compiler...

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega2560 -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.c" -lm

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objdump.exe" -S "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" 1>"C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.lst"

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-size.exe" -B -d "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf"
text data bss dec hex filename
878 0 22 900 384 C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf

Compilation successful!
Completed compilation, return = 0

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrb.bat "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.hex" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.cof"

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.hex"

HEX file creation successful!

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O coff-avr -R .eeprom "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.elf" "C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1\TestMega2560.cof"

COFF file creation successful!

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat m2560 wiring com8 115200 "TestMega2560.hex"

C:\FLOWCO~1\FORSG~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avrdude.exe" -p m2560 -P com8 -b 115200 -c wiring -U flash:w:"TestMega2560.hex"

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% -0.00s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9801
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_command(): command failed //

avrdude.exe done. Thank you.

Error returned from [avrdude]

C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat reported error code 1


In compilermessage I see this : avrdude.exe: stk500v2_command(): command failed ?????`????????????????

Dazz, yes When the new update came, it start autometic update. My Uno work´s fine (exept from the delay).

I also att. these two files.

Both, so far thank´s

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:30 pm
by dazz
the 2 bat files are identical to mine, can you place the attached fcd in yor avr fcd folder and try again, its a long shot but it might work
Arduino Mega 2560.fcdx
(25.8 KiB) Downloaded 575 times

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:30 am
by jgu1
Hi Dazz and Ben!

Sorry Again it doesnt´help with your FCDX file. A question Dazz, why should my .FCDX file be different from your? Ok it´s a try. But anyway, I have the same problem on 3 Pc's.

If I was sure it Work, I would order a 2560 R3 model, and Again, you Dazz is able to run I guess all model, why not me/maybe other. It is strange so big difference in FC6, that it Work in some country and not in other. :lol:

Please, I am open for all suggestions...


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:04 am
by kersing
Hi Jorgen,

Have you tried to program it using the arduino IDE? Does that work? I am asking because this thread on the arduino forum states it is a clone that is not 100% compatible and requires different drivers for Windows.

Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:34 am
by jgu1
Hi Kersing!

Yes, when I use Arduino IDE it works fine, no problem at all...

Further info: when I try to compile with FC6 I Can see the led on board (fx) start flash very shortly, or few flashes , after that I gået the euroår. It look like FC6 start to send the program but stop of some course. Communicationsfaliure???


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:33 pm
by dazz
i thought your fcd may have been corrupted as it appeared to point at a different programmer, have you got a link to where you bought your mega from,as if its not too expensive i may order one in a few weeks and try it here, as an aside my uno's use the ch30 drivers and work fine


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:49 pm
by jgu1
Hi Dazz!

Ok yes it could be corrupted, so a good try. No I have not bougth any yet. A good friend of mine, promised I could test with one of his Mega 2560 R3. And if this Work I will look at Ebay.

But anyway, when I have tested 2560 R3, You hear.

Maybe meanwhile Ben or other have a suggestion.

I would relly like to hear how many FC6 user who have succes with the different Arduino in FC6 or if it´s only is Monie and me who had problems???


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:50 pm
by jgu1
Hi all!

After having taken note of Ben's comment that MM makes testing with Mega R3, I borrowed an original Mega 2560 R3 of a good friend.

And friends, after long battle, now I have success. :D Now I can program, Pic, Atmel, Arduino Uno and Mega2560.

'It works perfectly. It feels like a little kid who got Christmas presents. :lol:

Compared with Pic. compile Arduino very fast. :?:

Thanks to all, but that did not mean that you not hear from me any more. I will play with FC now :wink:

Best regard


Re: Arduino Programming In Flowcode v6

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:34 pm
by JohnCrow
Im also unable to program the Mega 2560 R3

The Uno R3, Micro and Leonardo all work fine.

Code: Select all

Target folder: H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1
Source name:   H:\Flowcode 6 Projects\Projects FC6 Arduino\Mega_Simple_Flash.fcfx
Device:        AVR.ATMEGA.ATMEGA2560
Generated by:  Flowcode v6.1.0.0
Date:          Sunday, October 19, 2014 18:31:16
Users:         1
Registered to: JohnCrow
Licence key:   HRKH69
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat  atmega2560 "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.c" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.lst"
Launching compiler...

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega2560 -Os -funsigned-char -o "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.c" -lm 

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objdump.exe" -S "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf"  1>"H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.lst" 

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-size.exe" -B -d "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" 
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
    878	      0	     22	    900	    384	H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf

Compilation successful!
Completed compilation, return = 0

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrb.bat  "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.hex" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.cof"

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom  "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.hex" 

HEX file creation successful!

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O coff-avr -R .eeprom  "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.elf" "H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1\Mega_Simple_Flash.cof" 

COFF file creation successful!

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat  m2560 wiring com5 115200 "Mega_Simple_Flash.hex"

H:\FLOWCO~1\PRAE10~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\MATRIX~1\FL7431~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avrdude.exe" -p m2560 -P com5 -b 115200 -c wiring -U flash:w:"Mega_Simple_Flash.hex"                      

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9801
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
             To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_command(): command failed

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you.

Error returned from [avrdude]

C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_arduinoA.bat reported error code 1