"A Complete non-sense problem"

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"A Complete non-sense problem"

Post by 407charles »

I'm having a very strange problem with a single program. I'm been using a KS108 display because the size and visibility. I did a program a digital thermometer sometime ago with the MAX 6675 and the arduino microcontroller, when I use the program with a LCD 4x20 it works perfect but not when I use the KS108. In the beginning I thought I did change something accidently and that's why it did not work, I checked the program several times but no issue was found, it was all exactly the same, then I thought I messed up the MAX6675 accidently so I use another one, finally after all the effort and headache I decide to replaced the arduino mega with another mega board and I have the same result. Then I decide to use both at the same time to see what's going on but I can't comprehend the result, it works with the LCD but not with the KS108 display! everything looks normal the display just shows a fixed value, the calibration offset value. The one connected to the LCD displays the data and updates every time there is a temperature change. What could be the issue? I connected the hardware using the same pins and I also exchange the MAX6675 to make sure it was not the components. I got go idea of what's going on. Can this be a voltage issue? could it be that the KS108 pulls more current causing a malfunction? Please I need help with this issue. I got a project that is almost complete for an oven controller in my work place but this is the last component that is not working, everything else works perfect except this one. Can somebody help me? here are the two programs.
Arduino mega&KS108 Thermocouple SPI 2.fcfx
It just display a fixed value.
(12 KiB) Downloaded 254 times
Arduino Thermocouple LCD SPI 2.fcfx
Works perfect
(9.68 KiB) Downloaded 256 times

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Re: "A Complete non-sense problem"

Post by 407charles »

Today I installed a Matrix power supply to the arduino board and it did not work correctly either. I thought I was overloading the computer USB port and maybe dropping the voltage at a point were the microcontroller did not work right. Now, I believe that there is a bug that blocks the SPI component when the KS108 is being use. I can't think about any other reason. I hope one of the matrix specialist can look in to it and help me with this issue. Thanks a lot for your help and support.

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Re: "A Complete non-sense problem"

Post by 407charles »

I forgot to mention that after installing the power supply the fix reading changed to 3714.9 F the same value display if I disconnect completely the max 6675 from the controller hooked up to the 20X4 LCD. This is another clue to lead me believe that the KS108 is blocking or disable the SPI component.

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Re: "A Complete non-sense problem"

Post by 407charles »

I found that the problem is with pin 47 L2, it did not change state during the program. I decided to use a pin from a different group as the analog and now is working normal. Looks that when I use the KS108 I had problems with this pin. I used the another good mega board and it has the same problem. I will double check again.

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Re: "A Complete non-sense problem"

Post by 407charles »

I found the whole problem, a bad soldering joint! I can't believe it. well, next time I Will check this hardware issue. Thanks a lot anyways.

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