Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

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Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by stewartbaker »

I am trying to use breakpoints on a simple LED flashing program using Flowkit V2.

It doesn't mater whether I set a breakpoint either before compiling under Ghost, or when running ICD,
the program continues on past the breakpoint. What is wrong ?

Best regards
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Re: Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by LeighM »

Hi Stewart,

Did you select ICD mode, then compile to chip?
Have you got Ground (0v) connection between Flowkit and your target hardware?
Also Clock from pin D9 on Flowkit to port B 6 on target.
Data from pin D8 on Flowkit to port B 7 on target?


I've also just noticed that the 1 output is to all port b, rather than bit 0, as the 0 output,
that could cause issues with the ICD

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Re: Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by stewartbaker »

Hi Leigh,

>Did you select ICD mode, then compile to chip?
>Have you got Ground (0v) connection between Flowkit and your target hardware?
Didn't have, now have.
>Also Clock from pin D9 on Flowkit to port B 6 on target.
>Data from pin D8 on Flowkit to port B 7 on target?

I corrected my (lazy) programming, and now only B0 is used, not the whole port.

FK2 seems to be ICD'ing my target hardware, but still unable to get any breakpoints to work.



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Re: Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by LeighM »

Does stepping work?

Also, anything else connected to Port B 6 and 7? Like an LED e-block?

... I'll try and dig out some kit and replicate what you have

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Re: Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by LeighM »

Oh, looks like breakpoints don't work unless you set Simulation speed to "Normal"
See Build->Project Options


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Re: Flowkit V2 Breakpoints

Post by stewartbaker »

Hi Leigh,
That was it. Breakpoints only work if Simulation speed is set to "Normal".

Many thanks for finding the problem.

There was exactly the same issue of Breakpoints not working if speed was not "Normal" in normal simulation mode.

That one has only just been fixed in the latest V6 patch. It took nearly 2 years for something so central to debugging to get sorted !

What is it with Flowcode (Matrix) and Breakpoints ?

C'mon guys, get a grip...


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