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RS232 Special Characters

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:22 am
How do I Insert the special characters in the RS232 Macro?
I've inserted a word "Press Start" on the RS232 macro and I need to insert a carriage return \r to change the next cycle to a new line.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:25 am
by Benj
Hello Pinto

You can send special characters by using their decimal ASCII values.

Carriage Return = 13
Comma = 44
Quotes = 34
Ctrl-Z = 26

Make sure you send the number without quotes around and everything should work as expected.

RS232 Special Characters

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:29 pm
Hi Benj,
It worked fine when I simulated on Proteus Virtual Monitor, although it had no effect on Flowcode3 RS232 simulator.
