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ο»ΏUSB Slave Transmit Time

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:43 pm
by Woode
I have been measuring the transmit time for the USB Slave by using ‘GetTickCount’ or ‘TimeGetTime’ in the Delphi program IE:-

StartT:= TimeGetTime; // or GetTickCount
lRetVal := ECIO_Transmit(bDataOut,TxLen,@nTxDataCnt,bDataIn,32,@nRxDataCnt,50);
EndT:= TimeGetTime; // or GetTickCount
Some.Text:= IntToStr(EndT - StartT); //ms - write to a text box

(To use ‘TimeGetTime’ place MMSystem in the ‘uses’ section at the top of the document).

Something similar sould apply to the ‘VB’ program.

The addition of an acknowledge ‘Send Macro’ in the Flowcode after it has recieved data reduces the transmit time to less
than 1ms. The ‘Send Macro’ can be a byte or string with the same effect.

The time measured for a data transmit without acknowledge was 78ms - Time Out of 50ms + 28ms. Where did the 28ms go?