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flowcode V3 problem

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:10 pm
by fransky

I bought an "update" to flowcode professional V3. Installed it from the CD, looked OK to me. I started up, loaded an fcf file that had been compiling and downloading to a PIC 16F88 without any problem under v2 and than....

Flowcode starts a "pre-processor" and I see some dots on the screen for a while, until I finally abort the compilation. Done this with a couple of files, and tried to reset some settings for the 16F88 etc. Didn't help. Pretty annoying experience, the more so since flowcode v2 won't open this (Valuable!) file anymore since apparently V3 has done something to it and V2 says "unexpected file format" and doesn't eat it anymore.

What am I doing wrong, I saw an issue about extremely long compilation times on the forum, I'll try being (even more) patient tomorrow night with this, but for now |I am assuming something is wrong with my installation or so, this is simply not functioning at all it seems to me.

Would welcome any advice, first of all on getting V3 to work, second on how to salvage my earlier V2 files to complie again under V2.

best regards, fransky

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:36 am
by Benj
Hi Fransky

Download the new version of flowcode V3 from our website. It says it is a demo but when you put in your serial and register the product it will become the full version. The update will get rid of the slow compilation problem and you should be able to compile your v2 files.

You can download it from here: FlowcodeV3 (1.1.3).exe (24MB) or here: FlowcodeV3 (1.1.3).zip (22MB)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:53 am
by Mark
Hi Benj,

Can the update v3 be loaded on top of an existing v3 installation or should the existing version first be deleted?

(and are there any other fixes that this update covers?)



Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:04 am
by Steve
Unfortunately, the installation of Flowcode v3 that went out on the CD is not "patchable", so the existing installation needs to be uninstalled first.

The version that is up there now will act as a "base" installation - and will be updated as-and-when with small "patch" additions.

It fixes a few things, mainly with help files and translations - see the "announcement" topic at the top of this forum for the list.

Version 2 will not read version 3 .FCF

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:49 pm
by Jerry
I have same problem that a file I made and used succesfully on version 2 when loaded to version 3 and then saved will now not work on version 2. This file also fails to compile into 'c' on version 3 but is ok on version 2.

The failure is a missing right paren...
How do I know where to look in 'C' code to find this as the file ( notepad ) has no line numbers

I fortunatley saved the file under a new name so I have access to a good copy for version 2.

I am using the latest version as uploaded from site today @ 11:30 31 dec 2006.

Can anyone help ?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:13 pm
by Benj
The missing right paren error is ocuring after a block of assembler code. I will have a look into why this is happening.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:26 pm
by Benj
I have looked into your missing right paren and have taken out a few of the errors.

Here is an example of what you had in a C code block.

Code: Select all

       bcf STATUS,RP0
       btfss PIR2,EEIF
       goto CHKWRT3335
To fix the error I changed the code to

Code: Select all

       bcf STATUS,RP0
       btfss PIR2,EEIF
       goto CH3335
The problem had something to do with the jump label. Either the name was too long for the boostc compiler or just the method you had used to declare it.

Using this method I managed to get rid of 2 errors in your file. There are more though so you will need to follow my example and remove the rest yourself.

As for a text editor with line numbers I suggest Context or Textpad