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LCD Connections

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:27 pm
Can I connect the LCD Component in Flowcode3 to other pins than the ones that the component defaults?
eg. Insteady PB0-----PB5 I would like to connect them to PB1-----PB6 because I would like to make use of the interrupt on PB0.

I've tryed it and simulated Ok in Flowcode3 but din't work with the actual pic16f84a.
I'm new to Flowcode if you could help I would appreciate.


Pinto :?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:36 pm
by Benj
On the LCD E-Block you need to change change the jumper from Default to Patch. You then have to wire across the connections. For what you suggested it would be

1 - Bit0
2 - Bit1
3 - Bit2
4 - Bit3
5 - RS
6 - E

This should make your program match the altered hardware setup in flowcode.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:46 pm
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your help.
I'm not using the e-Block LCD PCB I'm using a simple prototype board that I made.
Previously I had the LCD connected to RB0----RB5 on the PCB and the LCD connections on the LCD component in Flowcode to match the PCB connections and I was interrupting on INT/RB but because RB4 & RB5 were connected to the LCD E & RS pins every time the LCD changed text would trigger the interrupt but the LCD worked and displayed the correct text on the PCB.
Than I decided that I only had to monitor the Tx line on the RS232 and one interrupt pin would do and decided to use RB0/INT and shift the display lines up one pin and change the LCD on Flowcode pin connections to match the PCB as you suggested.
When I tryed it on the PCB the relays and LED's connected to Port A worked and the program was running burt the LCD didn't initialized (I'm using a 2*16 DS4180 LCD) only the top row lit up as solid blocks and it's not the contrast on the display this is set correctly.
My question is?
Is there anything elese that I have to setwithin Flowcode? Or is there a timing problem in with the LCD.



Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:56 pm
by Steve
There was an error in an early version of the LCD component where the PICmicro code retained the default settings. The fix is here:

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:26 am
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the info but the problem wasn't with flowcode, a blog of solder shorted the RS & E line when I shifted the wires on my PCB.

I do appologize for the inconvinience and I should of double check the PCB for shorts circuits.

Looking at the positive side I've started to use the FORUM and tested your services "Very Impressed" thank you.


Pinto :oops: