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Compiling Error 18F8722

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:15 pm
Hallo Steve , Benj

I want start to day a new Project with a pic 18f8722.I have a problem
with the port I.

Starting preprocessor: "C:\Programme\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V3\BoostC\pp.exe" D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c -i "C:\Programme\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V3\BoostC\include" -d _PIC18F8722 -la -c2 -o sapimu_18f8722.pp -v -d _BOOSTC -d _PIC18

D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(93:2): error: unknown identifier 'trisi'
D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(93:2): error: invalid operand 'trisi'
D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(93:8): error: failed to generate expression
D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(94:2): error: unknown identifier 'porti'
D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(94:2): error: invalid operand 'porti'
D:\sapimu_18f8722\sapimu_18f8722.c(94:8): error: failed to generate expression
sapimu_18f8722.c success


Return code = 1

Flowcode konnte den C-Kode des Flussdiagramms nicht kompilieren, da folgende Fehler auftraten:

Wenn Ihr Flussdiagramm C-Kode enthält,überprüfen Sie diesen sorgfältig. Falls das Flussdiagramm keinen C-Kode enthält oder Sie sich sicher sein können, dass dieser Kode fehlerfrei ist, dann wenden Sie sich an den technischen Support.


What going wrong?

Regards Wolfgang

Re: Compiling Error 18F8722

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:12 pm
by Benj
Hello Wolfgang

I think that I have found the cause of the problem.

In the top window of the supplementary code window add the following lines of code.

#define trisi trisj
#define porti portj

The supplementary code window is available via Edit - Supplementary code.

I will fix this problem in the FCD file ready for the next update of Flowcode.

Re: Compiling Error 18F8722

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:29 pm
Hallo Benj

I dont understand:

"The supplementary code window is available via Edit - Supplementary code. "

What is the name of this datei?You mean the dos window edit?

Regards wolfgang

Re: Compiling Error 18F8722

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:01 pm
by Benj
Hello Wolfgang.

In Flowcode click on the Edit menu and select Supplementary code.

In the top window paste the following lines of text.

#define trisi trisj
#define porti portj

Click Ok and your program should now compile correctly.