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Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:38 pm
by msnm4
Hi all,

I am testing the Flowcode demo and find it a great tool for people who doesnΒ΄t want to deal with C syntaxis issues. But I could notice there are some components definition fully focused on E-blocks. Two examples are the LCD and keypad macro components. The first demands a specific Hw connection of the LCD to the pic micro (in 2 x 4 bit chunks, etc) and the second do not allow other than 12 key keypads (or am I wrong?).
In PIC design it is quite usual to have LCD displays with its 8 data pins fully connected to a port and the other 3 pins (RS, Enable, R/W) connected to another. Also in keypads, 16 keys is quite frequent.
I can imagine that changing those macros to make Flowcode a HW independent tool should not be very complicated, or may be it is already done?
Thanks for your answer.


Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:39 pm
by ivan
if you look also at pdf files of E-Blocks there is a fully schematics very useful for some components wich connection are not desc. in help files

Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:25 pm
by Benj

The most common design for the LCD is to use the 4-bit data mode as this way you get the most free I/O pins to use for other peripherals.

Changing the Keypad component for a 16 Key component should not be too difficult but it will require editing the C code file for the component.

Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:54 pm
by msnm4
Hi Benj,
Thank you for your answer, and I agree with both of your statements.
I am considering to buy Flowcode to avoid dealing with code, but it seems that to take full advantage of it (for 100% application flexibility) you need to be a C programmer!!
Is it possible to develop a wizard to design custom components?

Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:23 pm
by Benj

We have spent a large amount of time developing a custom component wizard in the past for previous versions of Flowcode but we have found that it doesn't get used very much and in the end we have to provide extra support for customers struggling to use it correctly. This cuts into other features that we could be building into Flowcode.

If you are looking at simple components such as a 16 key keypad then I can probably point you in the right direction and provide help if you get stuck.

You are correct in saying the for 100% flexibility you need to know C but most of our users do not need this level of flexibility. Also the great thing about Flowcode is that it actually generates commented C code in a very readable format so you can create Flowcode programs and then view the C files and get to grips with the various commands that are occurring behind the scenes.

Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:35 pm
by msnm4
I would be very gratefull if you could help me how to start designing my own custom components. For example:
-How to proceed with the file custom_code.c.?
-Is it enough to modify that file or is it necessary to touch something else?
- Once you do that behind the scenes and open Flowcode again, do you see any kind of screen for that custom component?

Regards and thanks again


Re: Variant to usual components in PIC designs

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:45 pm
by Benj

I have added a quick guide to the custom components to the Flowcode Beta Components Page. This can be accessed via the Downloads page of our website.

Please note that we will not provide support for the coding of the custom component. If you get stuck then post on our forums and someone should be able to help you.