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copying macros to create slightly different macros within a

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:50 pm
by fransky
Hi, hope someone can give me som help on this:

I have a prgogram that contains a macro that's quite elaborate. I do need another macro within that same program that's quite similar to the first one. First thing I tried was to save (export) the macro with a different name. Upon import however, flowcode says that "a macro with that name already exists.
I than tried to export the macro (again with a different filename), open it with a text editor (notepad), and I saw the orignial macroname in the first line of text. I changed it (just one character, I kept the number of characters the same).
Upon importing this macro, flowcode says the file is corrupt however.

Is there a procedure I could follow to accomplish what I want?

thanks for any advice available, Fransky

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:20 am
by Steve
I have 3 solutions for you:

1) Upgrade to Flowcode v3 - this lets you rename macros which will give you a relatively simple way to replicate the macro.

2) Use a "hex" editor to edit the file and change *all* occurances of the macro name (a decent hex editor should allow you to do a global search-and-replace). Also, keep the new macro name the same length os the original one.

3) Create a new macro within your program and copy/paste icons from one procedure to the other. Note that once you have done this, your program may not simulate correctly due to a bug in Flowcode v2 - to fix this, run the "file fixer" program.

I hope these workarounds help.