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Compiler Warning Message

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:41 am
by Ron

What does this mean and how do I go about location the source of the warning?

Warning: function never returns: 'FCM_Halt_On_Error_Fault_Codes'

I think this means that the function never returns control to the main flowchart.

If this is correct, then I have accomplished what I intended to do. If I have a machine or download fault I write the fault code to an eeprom address where is can be views via an computer GUI/HMI. I then put the PIC in a state that only a HW reset will allow the program to run again.

I would suggest that what I have done should not be possible because in a decision it is not possible for the YES and NO destination lines to go to the same block.

If 1 Yes - go to connection point B, NO go to connection point B. I see this as a "bug" in the auto router.



Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:40 am
by Benj
Hi Ron

The easiest way to do what you are describing is to add a while loop with a value of 1. This means it will loop forever.

The compiler message is just saying that the program never returns to the main flowchart once it has entered the FCM_Halt_On_Error_Fault_Codes macro. This is not an issue but merely a warning incase this was not intended.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 11:07 am
by Ron

That is what I thought the compiler was telling me. I like the idea of your loop = 1.

