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Flowcode Version Comparison

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:13 pm
by Ron

I am trying to find a web page or document that shows what devices/Advanced fetaures come with what versions. All I can find is a page that says some devices/features come differently between versions.

School project, I need SPI interface.

Is there a chart that shows what features comes with student version when compared to pro version?

I want to buy Flowcode V3, money is tight so I need to know what comes with each version.



Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:25 am
by Benj
Hello Ron

Page 8 of the Flowcode datasheet details the components and functionality between the different versions. ... C-60-3.pdf

Im also afraid to say that the Student version does not come with the SPI component.

Component improvements

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:20 am
Hallo Benj

I think jou must thay also that the macro's PWM and I2C are in the
moment not tangible in the full-version !
Have jou a think about the update for this ?!...because i must stop my
new projekt (own SPS) with FLC.

Thanks wolfgang

Component improvements
New components have been introduced to allow you to incorporate a greater range of devices into your electronic system
• LCD: greater range of LCD types supported including 40 charac-ter - 2 line, 20 character, 4 line etc.
• Full LCD functions now supported with scroll and other features.
• Switches: can now be labelled, options for display vertical and horizontal, left to right or right to left.
• LEDs: can now be labelled, options for display vertical and hori¬zontal, left to right or right to left.
• New PWM (Pulse Width modulation) component for motor control.
• Analogue component s available now include thermometer, dial, or slider
• Target communications components now include RS232, I2C, Internet web server, Internet TCP/IP, Bluetooth, CAN bus and LIN bus
Note that PWM and I2C may not be available at the time of going to press but will be available as a download upgrade.

More specific detail needed.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:42 am
by Ron

I already looked over page 8.

Does this mean that the student version is a limited component version? The chart simply says NO for "All Components", it does not call it out as a limited version.

Are these the components that come with student version? LED, Switch, ADC, LCD, 7-segment display, keypad, QUAD-7 segment display, burglar alarm and buggy?

Does the PRO version include all the advanced components listed on page 8?

Are there FREE programming examples/tutorials for the advanced components?

I am going to order my Flowcode V3 today, just need to determine which version.

Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:38 pm
by Benj
The Pro version comes with all components and allows for additional components as they are released.

The Student version only comes with the limited components.

There are examples for the advanced components. Drop me an email and I will send you the examples.

Re: Component improvements

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:40 pm
by Benj wrote:Hallo Benj

I think jou must thay also that the macro's PWM and I2C are in the
moment not tangible in the full-version !
Have jou a think about the update for this ?!...because i must stop my
new projekt (own SPS) with FLC.
The PWM component will be in the next update release of Flowcode which will be available shortly. The I2C component is still a little way off and may or may not be in the next update.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:50 pm
Hallo Benj

I think it is not correct to stop the build I2C component becouse a long
time behind i can read coming sun.At the time i buy the program
only i found the "U0612088 PDF dokument" and there are not words
macros are not available show the copy of orginal text follow:

horizontal;, left to right or right to left.
• New PWM (Pulse Width modulation) component for motor
• Analogue components available now include thermometer,
dial, or slider
• Target communications components now include RS232,
I2C, Internet web Server, Internet TCP/IP, Bluetooth, CAN bus and LIN bus

E-blocks for Prototyping, May 2006.
E-blocks and X-10, June 2006.
E-blocks Easy ARM Pack, September 2006.

I think it is near dishonest competition.......
One question : matrixmultimedia want not or cannot construct this macro....


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:07 pm
by Benj

On the Flowcode datasheet page 9 it states
Note that PWM and I2C may not be available at the time of going to
press but will be available as a download upgrade.
We are comitted to creating these components and although they are not much in themselves, they are a lot of work to configure for all supported PICmicro devices and to get right so they will not infringe on any of the other working parts of Flowcode. Not only this but the simulation has to be done and tested. So you can see suddenly there is a lot of work there and it does take time to get components ready to be released.

The patch that will be available soon should contain either one or both of these upgrade components.

Sorry for the delay.

Re: Flowcode Version Comparison

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:16 am
by RobOnk
Is there a quick and painless way of upgrading from (version 4) student to (version 4) professional?
Also what is the cost difference?

I purchased an SPI board only to discover that the component is not included in the student version...
Thanks, Rob

Re: Flowcode Version Comparison

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:51 am
by Benj
Hello Rob,

You should be able to contact sales<at> or your local dealer to arrange this license transfer for you. We have a system in place to make this process as painless as possible for you.