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EEPROM Component now not functioning for me

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:57 am
by Mark
Hi Steve/Benj,

I have been having a problem with the EEROM component not writing and when reading echoing back the address as the data read.

I have tried a test programme and shown that the component/chip/circuit does work and the programme which has the problem worked fine until recent revisions (not immediately related). The other associated code also seems to be working fine. I have also used other chips (all 16F876) and found some drop outs in the EEROM test data on some chips. Back tracking to earlier revisions of the programme can solve the problem (and I have reinstalled FCv3) but that scraps too much work and I need the changes made anyway.

Other components used are TMR0 INT/RB INT and RS232 send and receive. I have used PPP to look directly at the EEROM memory to validate what has /has not been written.

Annoyingly one test yesterday gave code that worked fine then a reprogramme gave the problem again.

If out of that can of worms you can suggest tests/changes or previous experience of such issues that I can use to try and sort this out then I will be grateful.

I am working on the basis that the EEROM component is not timing critical when used through flowcode.

thanks in advance,


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:19 pm
by Steve
Hello Mark,

If you can replicate this error in a simple program, please send it to me or Ben and we'll have a look.

There was a recent change with the EEPROM component, but it fixed a bug that was preventing it from running in 18F chips.

Alternatively, send or post snippets of the EEPROM code routines from the current broken program and the older working program.