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Problem with lcd Displaytech 162

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:45 am

I have two lcd.
One of this do not work connect on port d.
The ather one works ok on port d.If I connect on port a,it works
also bat the first character is not ok;one times coms a character
after the proper one > on port d it works ok.

please can you help me?


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:48 am
by Benj
Hello Wolfgang

Which PICmicro are you using. Some of the PICmicros have a weak pull up on one of the PORTA pins which means that it takes longer to respond to output signals.

lcd 162

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:07 pm
Hello Ben

I have reconnect to port d!

I work with a pik 18f452 quarz = 9.8304MHz
(I want work with the 18f4620 = 9.8304MHz in future)

In the Mplab IDE i have eneable > HS-PLL
> Osc.Switch
> Power up timer

I think it works 9.8304*4 = 38 321 600 MHz


Displaytec 162

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:13 pm
Hallo Ben

I work with a flowcode3 pro fullversion registriert.

To day I test with 2 new displays..... they dont work.
I test also with the 18f4620 it is the same probleme (one work ok).

I test all 4 displays on a miro-sps (
with a atmel-mega 16..... all displays are working good (4bit interf.) .

I hope jou can help me quick.

Regards wolfgang

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:19 am
by Benj
Hello Wolfgang

Here are a few ideas that might help to get your displays working:

Have you downloaded the latest patch for Flowcode V3?

Are you checking the osscilator settings in flowcode before programming?

Have you checked that the LCD is connected correctly pin for pin in the component connections?

Do you have features such as low voltage programming enabled?

What config words are you using?

lcd 162

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:08 pm
Hallo Ben

To time all works to my full contentedness.
After I set the correct cpu speed (point2 in jour answer) and
fixt 1 solder point in db0 (slack joint ) is everything ok.
It was a crazy situation because one LCW works..........

What config words are you using :what do jou maen with "config words?"

Thanks for jour help

Regards wolfgang

config word

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:22 pm
Hallo Ben

What config words are you using :what do jou maen with "config words?"
I am waiting for a answer ?

Regards wolfgang

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:34 pm
by Benj

By config word I mean what configuration are you sending to the PICmicro eg oscillator mode and chip settings.

Also if you are using PLL mode then the PICmicro will run at 1 instruction per clock cycle as opposed to normal operation where the PIC will execute one instruction every four clock cycles.