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components: Rotary Encoder with push button

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:46 pm
by aspeier

i need a component like a ** Rotary encoder for Input Device? Will you provide something like this?

Thanks Andy

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:45 pm
by kostas
this would be really useful :D

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:17 pm
by Mark

I have been interested in using a rotary encoder, however, there does not seem to be a standard device format? nor a commercial device that rotates freely with little force? Hope I am wrong?

I therefore made my own Grey code disc from etched PCB, (which is of course easy to interface) though it is a bit of a toy as it is not robust enough for prolonged use.


Rotary encoder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:14 pm
by aspeier
My question regrading to the support in Flowcode3. I need a device wich i can direct implement in my code. or is there a trick

There are much Rotary encoder knobs on the market and you can reduce input device with a menΓΌ option in your program.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:26 am
by Benj

When using rotary encoders you have two options.

Sequential Coding - Binary position
Grey Coding - Binary position only 1 bit changes at a time

To implement one of these options requires different code.

Sequential Coding:

Read the binary position and use that to calculate position and direction.

Grey Coding:

Monitor the binary bits and monitor which bits are changing to calculate position and direction.

Then it is simply a case of resolution. Eg a rotary encoder with two bits will give a resolution of 360 / 4 states = 90 degrees.

the trick with a men

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:15 pm
by aspeier
I want to have a menΓΌ on my 12x2 LCD display and i will do this with a rotary encoder. Yes , it is a 20ppm Grey Code encoder with push button. The problem is not to check the status of the rotary direction or calculate the posission.
I wan't to know how the best programming in flowcode is. Should i use always an interrupt for every changes on Rotary knob and push button or is there a easy way to do this parallel with LCD -Display output.

It would be enought to check it every 1ms-10ms !?

How can /should this Routine can be parallelized with the display ,USB- Routine.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:01 am
by Benj
Can you use a routine like this

Infinite Loop
Read Encoder
Calculate position
Read push button
Update LCD
Delay 10ms

Rotary Encoder

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:03 pm
by Gnu
I have been using a 10K continuous mechanical rotation potentiometer (Radiospares Number 460-2048) as a rotary encoder with some success for a long time. If fed 5 volts across the winding, the wiper can be read by a PIC ADC giving a voltage proportional to angle. The drawbacks are that there is a small dead spot of about 5 degrees (which can probably be solved by software), limited life (about 10,000,000cycles), mediocre weatherproofing and a bit of torque needed to move it. Cost in UK about Β£10.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:29 am
by Mark

Many thanks, I would never have thought that a continuous rotation pot would be listed as 'one turn', no wonder I did not find it.
