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Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:49 am
by RobOnk
got the file.
It wont let me enclose it, file too big. 1Meg.
can I e-mail it?

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:53 am
by RobOnk
I got the file now, but it's too big to send I guess.
(max size 256kB)? The file is 1Meg.

Can I send it another way?

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:45 pm
by RobOnk
please reply as I would like to get this fixed asap..

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:21 pm
by RobOnk
I sent the log file to the support e-mail.
I'm in Japan and it's time for bed.
Please send me something I can try in the morning.

Thanks, Rob

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:28 pm
by Benj
Cheers Rob,

I have received the file and will forward it on to Steve.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:54 pm
by Steve
Hi Rob,

The log file seems to say that there is no problem with the installation. I'm a bit out of ideas.

Perhaps it is because the OS you are running is Japanese? But this should not be a problem because we do have other customers in Japan.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:39 am
by RobOnk

Please let me know what I should do next.
Obviously I cannot accept this final result while having paid good money for the software.

Not sure if this helps at all but here is some info on the error messages:

I only get the message when trying to place switches, leds, led arrays, lcd display.
Mainly components from the input/output groups. All of the other components place ok.
The keypad is the only component from the input group that I can place.
The error message reads:
"Run-time error Resource with identifier "35" not found" (the "35" was just an example, it varies by component)

I compared the files for the components that I can place and the ones I cannot to see if there was any obvious differences. (didn't see any)

Sometimes I also get this message:
"Could not load component because it is not registered on this machine. Install the necessary component before opening this file."

Is there a location in Japan that I can take my computer for someone to look at it? I'm in Yokohama.
I love the software (at least while it was working) so I have to get it going again.

Is there a way to get a temporary registration key so we can rule out any issues with my key?

Is there some way to start from "ground zero" remove everything and start from scratch? If I remember correctly, things when down hill when I tried the patch from version 4.2 to 4.3.


Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:31 am
by RobOnk

Finally some success.

I downloaded version 4.2 and it is currently running on my computer. It didn't like something about ver. 4.3 I guess?
Some things are still a little loopy with the component icons,(showing the wrong icon) but it is much better than before.


Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:52 pm
by Steve
Hi Rob,

Thanks for letting us know more details. I now have a better idea of the problem and I'll sort this out soon.

A quick question - are you running Flowcode in English or Japanese?

And to sort the icons out, there is a post on the forum somewhere for the workaround. Note that this issue has actually been fixed in V4.3 (but until we sort out that for you, wou'll need the workaround).

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:05 pm
by RobOnk
Hi Steve,

I am running Flowcode in English.

Thanks, Rob

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:11 pm
by RobOnk
The fix I'm really interested in is being able to load programs that have their own C-code (the C-code block) as the air-to-fuel program has.

Thanks, Rob

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:03 am
by Steve
I'm finding it difficult to replicate this "resource not found" error here. Can you please find the LED, LEDarray and LCD components (these are all .ocx files in the "components" subfolder of Flowcode), right-click them and select "properties". From this screen, you should be able to find the version number of them. Can you please tell me what it is.

Also, can you please post a Flowcode file here that is reporting this error (and please say exactly what the error is).

We're desparate to fix this problem, and should be able to release a fixed install today.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:26 am
by Steve
The fix to the components issue is here: ... 248#p18099

I also hope that this will fix your problem with that particular air-to-fuel program.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:28 pm
by RobOnk
Hi Steve,

Not sure if you still need the *ocx file version number, but it is (for the LED,LED array, and LCD)
I will try installing version 4.3 again in a bit. To be honest, I'm a little nervous after what happened last time.
It seems to be working though, judging from the other write-ups.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:26 am
by RobOnk
I guess once the fix for this problem (the components) is in place I will download version 4.3 again.
As you know, my original problem was that I could not compile the Air-to-fuel problem. Will version 4.3 fix this problem?
Some of the other problems that include C-code compile ok, is the problem related to the use of look up tables?

Thanks, Rob

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:56 am
by Benj
Hello Rob,

There is now a fix for the v4.3 release that is detailed here. ... 112#p18099

We hope to have a new v4.3 install release available shortly.

v4.3 should fix your compilation problems. However If you are back running v4.2 then go into your Flowcode v4\FCD folder and find the file named internals.h and open in a text editor.

These lines are near the top of the file.

//unsigned char FCI_TMP_STR[20];
//int FCI_TMP_INT;

Change them so that the comments are removed and save the file.

unsigned char FCI_TMP_STR[20];

Your program should now compile correctly.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:40 am
by RobOnk
Thanks Steve,

I'm sticking with version 4.2 for now.

I made the changes to the H file. Works like a charm now.
You guys are good!

Thanks, Rob

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:43 pm
by medelec35
Persistence Of Vision project Chapter 4.8 page 135
This project works well, but to create your own text that is displayed in the air (by waving LED Board EB004) You may need to do the following:
1) Download Flowbook (details can be found on page 14)
2) Run VB SKYwriter dater builder software (This is found within Flowbook Chapter 1)
When running the software for the first time it may not work correctly.
This can be solved as following:
Error: "The program can't start as MSVBVM50.dll is missing" etc
Solution: Download and run VB5 run-time files installation from:

Error: "Run-time error '53': File not found: 'down.jpg'
Solution: Open windows paint. Click Save or Save As. Select JPG as the type, and name file as down
Make sure down.jpg is saved into same location as SKYwriter

Now SKYwriter should run.
Don't create text just yet. First you need to make sure path of skytable.txt in the small window below 'Start Lookup table' is correct.
Wrong = red square displayed. If you have a red square next to the path window, then if v is clicked you will get an error: "Run-time error '76': Path not found"
If that is the case, keep the \skytable.txt, and make sure path of SKYwrited is correct just before \skytable.txt.
E.g if SKYwriter is in C:\FlooBook\chapter 1\SKYwriter
then in the path window you should have:
C:\FlowBook\chapter 1\SKYwriter\skytable.txt
Path can be checked by clicking onto 'Start Lookup table', if path is OK then square will turn to green.
You should now be ready to create your own message that is displayed when waving the LED Eblock in the air!
Follow instruction on page 136 of Microcontroller Systems Engineering.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:34 am
by Walbeek
Hi there,

I do have the book "Microcontroller systems engineering"
Now I want to do some testing with the cell-phone module.
The first project is "Send a text message", chapter 6,1.
However, the FC is build for AVR controllers and not for PIC.
I only have the EB006 for PIC controllers.
With FC4 for PIC, I can´t open the AVR file to change to PIC.
Is the Flowcode listing available in another format, like PDF?

Please met me know.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:41 am
by medelec35
Hello Walbeek
If you have Flowcode V4 for PIC. For ARM and AVR files you need to go to file menu and select import and not open.
If you used import and did not work, are you using the latest version of Flowcode V4?

I used import and file in question (send text message.fcf_avr) loaded with no problems. The only thing you need to do is select a target device. At random I selected 18F2420.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:59 am
by Steve
When importing a file from a different microcontroller range, you will also need to reset the clock speed and configuration data accordingly.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:52 pm
by Walbeek
Hi there,

Thanks for your quick respond.
Importing the file works ok!
I did try to open it the ´normal´ way.


Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:02 am
by RobOnk
Hello, need help.

I'm trying to use a 16f887 in my matrix version 3 development board. It came with a 16f877A, which of course worked fine.
I guess there is a setting I don't have correct. I'm getting strange behavior, like the program stopping in mid-stream..

The major difference I am aware of is the internal osc. in the 16f887.

Any ideas?

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:56 pm
by medelec35
Hiya RobOnk.
Are you having an issue with same project as your previose post or a different project?
If post your flowchart, then It can be checked out for you.
Otherwise can't help much with the little information you have given.

If I was to guess at this stage, either configuration settings are wrong WDT or Debug is set to on etc
Or an interrupt is causing an issue.
E.g stack corruption or Program requires timer0 form internal clock, but interrupt is set to trigger from T0CKI pin instead.
You could even have prescaler rate wrong, or internal osc could be wrong speed ,so instead of hanging, it could be running a timing routine but taking much longer to complete.
You can check the osc frequency by creating a 1Hz Flasher.

Re: Microcontroller Systems Engineering with Flowcode

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:55 pm
by Dan81
Hello Rob

I use a 16F887 on Matrix board v3.3 (in stead of 16F877) and my Config1 word is 0x2FF2 with the 19.6MHz Quartz.

If you want to use the internal clock you can try : 0x2FF5 (you can verify the clock on pin RA6)(but not on the Matrix board, Ithink)

nota : with a 16F887 , after programming I need to press the reset switch.
