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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:38 am
by Steve
Hi Chet,

If you do get a problem in v2, please let me know because we are very keen to fix any errors that crop up.

This could be related to a problem we have found in v2 where a "call macro" icon internally retains its old position info when copied to another macro (or maybe another branch of the same flowchart). The error occurs in simulation when returning from that macro call.

We have not been able to provide a quick fix to this problem, so we are tackling it in this round of development for v3.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:12 pm
by bns

first of all, thanks for developing flowcode. Makes my life as a beginner a lot easier sometimes.

I have also a few improvements, although maybe some of them are already integrated and I just haven't figured them out yet. In that case sorry :)

1. maybe it is possible to add more zoom options. Because it can be easy to have a better overview, but the 25% and 50% that are available for the moment, makes everything unreadible on my computer. Maybe adding a 75% zoom (or even better a user selectable between 0 and 100%).

2. Better zoom options for printing also. And maybe a possibility to see more of the formulas. For example 3 formulas in a calculation box shows only the first and often not even completely.

3. In simulation mode, it jumps everytime to the command that is executed at that time, which is very handy. But when the command at the bottom of my flowchart is finished, and the simulation starts at the top again, my screen stays on the command of the bottom, instead of jumping back to the first command which is executed at that time.

4. If I remember correctly, in assembler it is possible to have 1-bit variables. You declare 1 byte and you can attach 8 1-bit variables to it. Is there an option like that in flowcode. It can be handy because I often use variables which only need to be 0 or 1 (off or on), so I feel it is a waste to use a whole byte everytime.

5. I also have a problem with the TMR0 interrupt in simulation mode, but I have made a seperate topic for that (see: interrupt TMR0 simulation hangs)

Looking forward to Flowcode 3, but in the mean time I'm gonna keep enjoying the version 2.


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:50 am
by Chet
Iv'e thought of another nice idea that may be useful:
A virtual oscilloscope.
So instead of blinking LED's on I/O pins you could see the signal in real time. Or maybe the ability to link the simulation with another Matrix
Multimedia product running.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:22 am
by Steve
Thanks for your kind words and suggestions, Bart.

You'll be pleased to know that v3 will have better zoom capabilities - it is something I've finished already - full user-selectable zoom from 5% to 200% (in 5% steps). The user interface looks much neater as well - I might post some screen-shots some time...

I'll put the other points onto my list and see what I can do.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:26 am
by Steve
Hi Chet,

Yes, a virtual oscilloscope would be great - but I think it's a bit beyond the scope of v3. Perhaps it will make it into the next version...

Incidentally, you mentioned that you had a problem with FlowCode when copying icons from one macro to another. I have hopefully now fixed this bug in v3, plus I have made a "fixer" app that will fix any existing problems in your current v2 files. I will post a separate message up onto the forum about this in due course.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:32 am
by jimhumphries

Can you give us an "updated" guess as to when V3 will issue?

Is it reasonable for me to assume that V2 code will compile and run in V3 without major headaches?


Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:36 am
by Steve
Hi Jim,

The first or second week in May is my optimistic guess at the moment - and I do still feel that this is achievable because the development so far has gone really well. I'd be disappointed if we didn't have a finished version available before June.

And yes, v2 code should run in v3 without modification. The only exception may be if you embed your own C code into a FlowCode program - but even here, the required modifications should be minimal.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:12 pm
by jimhumphries

That's great! Remember, if you need help testing V3, there are plenty of beta volunteers out here. Also good news on portability of V2 code.


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:05 pm
by bns

1) I'm playing around with RS232 (with a PIC16F88).
Is it possible with flowcode to choose between Asynch and synchronous (master or slave) mode?
Is there a way to use the 9th bit?
If not, can it be implemented in flowcode 3?

2) I have also noticed an error, but I'm not sure if I had it before or if it just happened after installing some patches for flowcode. I also haven't tried reinstalling flowcode.
When I go to the menu 'PIC' => 'Configure' and I change the Oscillator options (RC, XTAL or Internal) and then click 'ok' I receive the following error: "Access Violation at address 0045E1F3 in module 'pppv3.exe'. Read of address 00000000."
When I change it in the 'Switch to Expert Config Screen' it works fine.

3) If, after compiling, I make some modifications to the xxxxxx.asm file, how can I program it to the pic then? When I use PPPv3 I can only program a xxxxxxx.hex file.

Thanks already,


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:34 am
by Ian
bns wrote:Hi,

1) I'm playing around with RS232 (with a PIC16F88).
Is it possible with flowcode to choose between Asynch and synchronous (master or slave) mode?
Is there a way to use the 9th bit?
If not, can it be implemented in flowcode 3?
Most things can be done within Flowcode using C or ASM.
If you know the registers to set and what values to set them you may be able to do it using C code icons.
I'll look into this and post the answer in the other thread about RS232 you posted.
bns wrote: 2) I have also noticed an error, but I'm not sure if I had it before or if it just happened after installing some patches for flowcode. I also haven't tried reinstalling flowcode.
When I go to the menu 'PIC' => 'Configure' and I change the Oscillator options (RC, XTAL or Internal) and then click 'ok' I receive the following error: "Access Violation at address 0045E1F3 in module 'pppv3.exe'. Read of address 00000000."
When I change it in the 'Switch to Expert Config Screen' it works fine.
Try downloading and installing the latest version of PPP from our web site. That should fix that problem.
bns wrote: 3) If, after compiling, I make some modifications to the xxxxxx.asm file, how can I program it to the pic then? When I use PPPv3 I can only program a xxxxxxx.hex file.

Thanks already,

The ASM file needs to be assembled to a hex file.

As part of Flwocode the Microchip MPLAB IDE is installed. This is the industry standard Assembler program from Microchip. We send the asm file to during the build process.

You can open the ASM up in MPLAB and assemble it from there.


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:43 pm
by ALAN_26
will the v3 support the pic12c5xx ?????????????

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:03 am
by Steve
Sorry, we do not intend to support the 12c5xx range of devices.


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:03 pm
by mmurphy
Will V3 support 16F684's?
I love this chip for it's versatility and compact footprint (14 pin). I can also use it in the PICKIT1 programmer.



Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:11 am
by Steve
Yes - we will support this device in v3.

In fact, v2 should be able to support the 16F684 and 16f688 devices - the only thing lacking is an FCD file for these chips.

Creating FCD (FlowCode Definition) files should be relatively easy - just take an existing one as a template and alter the contents appropriately (it should be fairly straight-forward).

V3 release

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:11 pm
by jimhumphries

It must be close to the time that you intend to release V3. Can you give us a specific date yet?


Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:05 pm
by Steve
I know you're very eager, Jim, but I'm going to have to urge paitence! I've been diverted from FlowCode v3 for a couple of weeks to catch up on some other work commitments.

I'll have a better idea for a release date in a week or so's time, once I get back to it.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:01 pm
by jimhumphries

As soon as you can give a release date with a high confidence level that would be appreciated.

Like you I have commitments and several of those involve design and development schedules that hinge on the release of V3 (if this was simply a hobby interest I would not be so anxious).



Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:23 am
by jimhumphries

Can you tell us in advance what the system requirements will be for V3 if different from V2?



Divice support in V3

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:06 am
by cruzxia

Will V3 support PIC16F689 and family?



Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:30 am
by Steve

Sorry for the late reply - I've been out of the office for a week.

I think FlowCode v3 will have pretty much the same system requirements as v2, so no need to upgrade your hardware(!)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:33 am
by Steve
Hi Andrew / Cruzxia,

The underlying compiler supports the 16F689 (and similar) PICs, so it should be quite simple for FlowCode to.

Our PPPv3 downloading software does not currently support that device, but we should be able to get that to work on it as well.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:12 am
by jimhumphries

Do you mean I can keep my Windows 98 SE and not have to upgrade to XP? That would be terrific.


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:32 pm
by Steve
This week, my plan is to finish off and test the new string and 16-bit math functionality. As part of this testing I will give it a whirl on a win98 machine here to make sure, but I can't see any reason for it not to work on win98. I'll keep you posted about this.

Any news?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:42 pm
by bns
Just wondering. The latest reply about Flowcode V3 is from 6 June. Did I miss anything in the meantime? V3 isn't available yet, is it?


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:51 pm
by Steve
V3 is close, but decided to add a few extra bits (which have taken longer than I anticipated). I've done that now, and we are currently doing some internal BETA testing.

But today is my last day of work for a week and a half (for a much needed holiday), so we will not release a public BETA for a few weeks. We hope that the actual release of FlowCode v3 will be towards the beginning of September.