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RS232 Component enhancement

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:20 pm
by Tom Stefanou
Hello there!

Here is something i would like to see..

In the RS232 component there is a + button for adding strings to be transfered to the receive buffer.

1) If possible to have another button that would read content from a text/log file like the ones created from terminal comm software. PuTTY , teraterm, saterm etc

2) To have an option using the component macro and selecting the RS232 component, beside the functions already there to also have a RS232.AddToQue that will take strings or chars as input
so you could add this beforehand to your code and have all your strings already there as your codes starts to execute, so you won't have to stop every time and add data for your RS232 component.

Thank you for your time...

Re: RS232 Component enhancement

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:12 am
by Benj
Hi Tom,

That's a fantastic suggestion. I don't think this will make it into v5 but I will look and see if we can make this type of functionality available in v6.