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16(L)F1934/6/7 error: missing semicolon with Timer1

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:14 pm
by medelec35
: error: missing semicolon
: error: general error
: error: failure

This was an awkward one to track down since the missing semicolon line was always higher than the highest line number in the c code.
Bug turned out to be within Timer1 HandlerCode

I have updated just 16F1934 & 16LF1934.
Will update the /6/7 If get a chance
I have also added CCP3 to CCP5 since V5 now supports more than two PWM's

If 64bit windows go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\v5\FCD
If 32bit windows go to C:\Program Files\Flowcode\v5\FCD
Make a copy of F16F1934.fcd & 16LF1934.fcd
then replace originals with attached files.


Re: 16(L)F1934/6/7 error: missing semicolon with Timer1

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:48 pm
by medelec35
Since there is going to be an update next week, Rather than updating 16(L)F1936 & 16(L)F1937 automatically , I will leave them since they should be included within the update.
However if anyone is using 16(L)F1936 or 16(L)F1937 and would like to use timer1, then If you let me know I will then update it for you.
