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Flowcode 5.5 user component creation info

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:37 am
by victorhantelmann
How can I get info needed to create one 5x7 Led Matrix display custom component ? FC help file doesn't really help at all unfortunately ... Is there a manual or is there a specific document that I can use ? Thank you.

Re: Flowcode 5.5 user component creation info

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:52 am
by Benj

This type of component is not supported in Flowcode 5 but there is a component with simulation to allow you to do this in Flowcode 6.

If you have to use Flowcode 5 then you will have to create code to drive the LED matrix by creating your own macros to bit bang the data to the LEDs. You will also not be able to simulate this in Flowcode 5 so have your hardware handy when developing the code.

Re: Flowcode 5.5 user component creation info

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:06 pm
by victorhantelmann
I was aware of that, I was lazy in building a prototype ... Well, I will keep researching and will build my prototype. Still, since there are 2 user components available, you are saying that those don't simulate ? What is the purpose then ? Is there any extended documentation for their usage ?