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Interrupt problem

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:45 pm
by Rabbit
I need a clock-signal with variable low frequency.
"TasterStart" should activate the clock-signal with Interrupt TMR2. With every interrupt the output pins B0 and C1 changes status.
The waiting 300ms instruction is only for better visual debugging.
My problem: a push down "TasterStart" (variable "TasterStart"=1) break the programm. If "TasterStart"=0 the programm running again.
I hope for experts help. Thanks in advance.

Info: I solved the problem with a loop and an additional variable: now the TMR2 is called only one time. Now programm is running well.

Re: Interrupt problem

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:02 pm
by medelec35
Hi Rabbit,
Thanks for posting the solution to your problem.

At least other people who are faced with a similar problem have now got a solution.
