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convert to string dspicV5.4

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:57 am

In a new projekt i want print on the lcd var. uint 65500.
The lcd only Support int (go to 32767);so I convert the uint to string,
The lcd Show on hardware: uint 65500 >> to string >> lcd 32732.

My Problem is,it work on Simulation.
If I print string "65500" , Show correkt on my Hardware,so I think the convert-macro work not ok
on Hardware.

regards wolfgang

Re: convert to string dspicV5.4

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:23 pm

all return,after a Long search :

I read the fram FM25V5 in the READ-mode dos not read bit8 korrekt.....
I use the FSRD mode and all work ok on my Hardware

Regards Wolfgang