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dsPic v5 compiler error

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:16 pm

I want create 99 "programm_xx[75]"uint variablen.
programm_28[75] is compile ok >>> one more I have the error

Please help

Regards Wolfgang

Re: dsPic v5 compiler error

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:51 pm
by JonnyW
Hi Wolfgang.

The error says there is not enough BSS memory. This is memory reserved for 'uninitialised' variables. You have too many uninitialised arrays here.

There may be some linker settings that can be tweaked in order to reduce the amount of allocated 'initialised' memory, but I don't know for sure.

Can I ask - why would you want to create such a large number of arrays? You could try allocating a single 7500 element array (requiring about 14Kb) and use an offset into this if your program allows.



Re: dsPic v5 compiler error

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:12 pm
Hello Jonny

In a mattress-factory ,there are a sewing-automat for build the side stripe of the mattress from a big roll of material.

There are a lot of different long and different mark`s (stamp),so the costumer want 99 programm`s >> a`75 steeps.

I think the 24EP512 chip include 54kb ram,so i do these in 1 programm. no success so I build for programming 99 short programms,work well

Thanks for interest

Regards Wolfgang