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RXint problem

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:10 pm
by Desdewit

RXint not working on pic16f887 & 18f252 but works with pic16f877.
Could this also be a flowcode error like on some of the other pic's :?:

Re: RXint problem

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:31 pm
by Enamul
Hi Desdewit,
RXint not working on pic16f887 & 18f252 but works with pic16f877.
I have checked the FCD file for PIC16f887 and PIC18f252 and seems ok for PIC 16f887 but not OK for PIC18f252. You see in FCD file for PIC18f252..

Code: Select all

EnableCode="st_bit(pie1, RCIE);\n"
Should be..

Code: Select all

EnableCode="set_bit(intcon, PEIE);\nst_bit(pie1, RCIE);\n"
But I think you have missed Ben's post of all corrected FCD files in zip in the following link.. ... 46&t=11317
Simply extract this zip and paste in the FCD folder of have to replace the old FCDs.