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change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:19 pm

If I call a secont time the int-macro to change the edge level, I become a warning,code not working....
A c-macro with:
intcon2 = intcon2 ^ 0x20; no correct work on my hardware

What is the correct way to change the level fron rising to falling to rising ...... edge inside my code?


If i work with a "change int on port" (datasheet show RB4 to RB7 is port int) my code show reaction on change on port RB0 and RB1 ?!

Regards Wolfgang

Re: change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:13 pm
Nobody can help?

Regards Wolfgang

Re: change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:46 pm
by Benj
Hi Wolfgang,

This may not be the most elegant solution but it should work.

Code: Select all

if (test_bit(intcon2, 5))
 clear_bit(intcon2, 5);
 set_bit(intcon2, 5);
Another way would be to disable the interrupt in Flowcode and then re-enable using the alternate property setting.

Re: change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:16 pm
Hello Benj

I go these way also without success.
With your new code
the encoder work also only at all second stepp(I think the "int-flanke" not change) same as without these code.

anyway thank`s for help

Regards Wolfgang

Re: change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:13 pm
by Benj
Hi Wolfgang,

I've checked the FCD file for that device and the code seems to be correct for the INT2 interrupt so I'm surprised this isn't working.

Opt1_1="rising edge of RB2/INT2"
Opt1_1Val="st_bit(intcon2, INTEDG2);\n"
Opt1_2="falling edge of RB2/INT2"
Opt1_2Val="cr_bit(intcon2, INTEDG2);\n"

One thing I might suggest is that you don't actually have to disable the interrupt before re-enabling for the next transition.

The C code should use bit 4 instead of bit 5. Bit 5 is the interrupt edge for INT1.

Re: change interrupt edge select port b2 18F87k22

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:33 pm
Hello Benj

""""The C code should use bit 4 instead of bit 5. Bit 5 is the interrupt edge for INT1"""""

You are right , after i change my c-code from "" intcon2 = intcon2 ^ 0x20;"" to ""intcon2 = intcon2 ^ 0x10;""
now code work on hardware >> my mistake was , I count the bits incorrect........

Thanks again Wolfgang