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mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:03 am
by brandonb
i have a couple friends that have v4 that would like to still be able to build my stuff, unfortunately they dont want to update to v5 yet so was wondering if i can generate a hex file and use mplab to burn it into chip, we tried to figure this out the other day but was inconclusive, anything microchip including their website is hard to follow in my opinion

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:13 am
by JohnCrow
As far as Im aware once the hexfile has been generated by flowcode, it can be burnt to a chip with any "compatible" programmer and software.

I have used pickit2 and mplab or the standalone programmer for pickit2 (now also available for pickit3).

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:22 am

I have also no success burn with ICD3-MPLAB.With V4 no probs.
I can burn, but the cod dont work on hardware>>>>burn inside v5 with PicKit3 The thame code, all ok.

Regards Wolfgang

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:26 pm
by brandonb
im guessing my problem is that i have to open up the hex file with a remote program? then paste it into the new projects area, does that sound right? what would i use to open the hex file with if thats the case.... i also was told that the hex is a universal file and not limited

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:57 pm
by JohnCrow
If you want to pass a FC5 program to other users with FC4, as long as they have Matrix hardware, why not just send them them the hex file generated by FC5.
They can then program the pic by loading this into PPP. There is no difference in the hex generated by FC4 or FC5.Then they can burn a pic without having FC5, though they wont be able to access the souce or modify it.

Ive just tried a simple hello world flowchart in FC5, saved it as a hex file, and burnt it to a pic on custom hardware using the pickit2 and the pickit 2.61 standalone programming software. That works fine.

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:28 pm
Hello John

In V4 compile a big code time was minutes >> compile with "sourceboost full" inside MPLAB ,time was seconds.....
The compiling time is a important point to go these way for me.

I can not test the time-difference of the two ways,because i have errors if i compile inside MPLAB.Include the files same as in V4
no success in v5.......

Regards Wolfgang

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:30 pm
by dazz
Was going to say use ppp but john beat me to it, i used to use an old velleman serial programmer and also a chinese eeprom burner to program hex files to pic, but i do like ppp as its easy to check and modify the config bits before burning the hex, thing is thers so many ways to burn a hex , i dont like microchips mplab as you need a degree in klingon to understand it


Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:23 pm
Hello dazz

Use the PPP , please you can tell me the way ,program the chip without erease the EEprom?
Inside config MPLAB it is one mark and work propper........

Regards Wolfgang

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:03 pm
by dazz
Hi wolfgang
im not quite sure what your asking

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:31 am
by brandonb
the ppp option wont work for me since i use pickit2, im reduced to only using mplab and i have no clue how to do that, do i have to compile to asm and copy to mplab?

Re: mplab with v5 hex

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:34 am
by brandonb
he got it working by just importing the hex file, i cant do that for some reason, mplab was broken, i tried to fix it, then i ended up trying to remove it which didnt work either, but then all my settings in fc5 vanished and i was left with defaults, i reinstalled ide and tried again, didnt work, hopefully it didnt corrupt fc5, i received a critical error from mplab when it all went down... i dont understand how it could have effected a seperate program(ohh well) i give up on that since there is no reason for me to use mplab :lol: :evil: