Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

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Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

Post by Steve_L »

Hello everybody!

I would like to use Flowcode V5 AVR with my Arduino Leonardo and my Arduino UNO SMD but I suppose I made a mistake because Flowcode tells me that m328 and m32u4 are unknown : "avrdude.exe: AVR Part "m32u4" not found" or "avrdude.exe: AVR Part "m328" not found."

What I don't understand is that I well selected my Arduino board when I created my project :(

Then I tried with an empty program but no changes.

This could be usefull:
C:\Program Files\Flowcode(AVR)\v5\Tools\MX_bats\avrc_arduinoA.bat m32u4 stk500v1 com3 115200 "Flowcode1.hex"

C:\Users\steve\Desktop\test\Flowcode6\test\arduino>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\MX_bats\..\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.exe" -p m32u4 -P com3 -b 115200 -c stk500v1 -U flash:w:"Flowcode1.hex"
avrdude.exe: AVR Part "m32u4" not found.

Valid parts are:
x256a3 = ATXMEGA256A3 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:13802]
x128a1 = ATXMEGA128A1 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:13728]
x128a1d = ATXMEGA128A1REVD [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:13654]
m6450 = ATMEGA6450 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:13465]
m3250 = ATMEGA3250 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:13276]
2313 = AT90S2313 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:1585]
4414 = AT90S4414 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:1472]
1200 = AT90S1200 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:1357]
t15 = ATtiny15 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:1224]
t13 = ATtiny13 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:1051]
t12 = ATtiny12 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:918]
t11 = ATtiny11 [C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.conf:854]

Error returned from [avrdude]
Code retour = 1

Is there someone who knows how tu use thoses boards with Flowcode?

Thanks! :D

Best Regards,


PS: Arduino Uno works perfectly in Flowcode.

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Re: Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

Post by dazz »

Unzip the attachment and place the following files into the folders as listed below( dont forget to copy the original file to a new folder)

ppp_config_data1 and ppp_config_data11 into your flowcode(avr)/v5/ tools/ ppp folder

avrdude.conf into into your flowcode(avr)/v5/ tools/ AVRDUDEusb folder

let us know if it works

Avr fix.zip
(42.46 KiB) Downloaded 373 times
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Re: Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

Post by Steve_L »


Thank you dazz, it works perfectly!

Have a good day :)

Best regards

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Re: Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

Post by Steve_L »

Hello dazz,

Sorry, I re-post because I just tested with the Arduino UNO SMD. Unfortunately, Flowcode still tells me that "m328 not found" whereas he Leonardo works fine.

Is there any other thing I have to change?


Best regards,


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Re: Flowcode V5 : Arduino Leonardo & UNO SMD

Post by Steve_L »


I permit myself to re-post because I still can not use the Arduino UNO SMD and Lenardo in Flowcode V5 and i just tried with Flowcode V6 and it is the same result.

I tried the dazz solution but with UNO SMD, the chip is still unknown and with Leonardo, Flowcode recognizes the chip but I got a new error message:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode(AVR)\v5\Tools\MX_bats\avrc_arduinoA.bat m32u4 stk500 com5 57600 "Flowcode1.hex"

G:\Sauvegarde_Lyc?e\Technologie\logiciel GE\Flowcode V5_AVR\essai_flowcode_Arduino_Leonardo_Blink_acc>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\MX_bats\..\AVRDUDEusb\avrdude.exe" -p m32u4 -P com5 -b 57600 -c stk500 -U flash:w:"Flowcode1.hex"                      


avrdude.exe: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
Someone does know how to fix it?

Thanks! :D

Best Regards,


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