Flowcode 5 AVR, bug with macro

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Flowcode 5 AVR, bug with macro

Post by yann.cosson »

I made a simple prog, with a macro, in FlowCode 5 AVR pro.
It never works, and it look like my macro is the main, and the prog never go back in the real main (in real on my card).
i have a friend who get FlowCode 4 AVR, and we try together to look why my prog doesn't work.
We make exactly the same Flow, on his Flowcode v4.
And "oh miracle" it works perfect.

SO CAN YOU UNBUG FLOWCODE 5 AVR pro, with the MACRO function.

Best Regards, YANN.

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Post by medelec35 »

It would be helpful if you could post a flowchart that shows the problem.

All in Capitals are regarded as shouting. Can you please Edit title to use lower case.



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Re: Flowcode 5 AVR, bug with macro

Post by DavidA »

Indeed, I have edited the title, please in the future can you not use all caps titles.

As Martin requested could you please post a flowchart so we can see where the error may be.

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Re: Flowcode 5 AVR, bug with macro

Post by Spanish_dude »

No need to make another topic for this as it's being discussed here : http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/mmforum ... 46&t=11022
No need to be mad too, nothing is perfect and if there's a bug in Flowcode I'm sure Matrix will take care of it as soon as they can.

You posted this topic 5 minutes after your last post in the previous topic. It's past 7pm when you posted this I'm probably sure everyone is home at that hour.
We (valued contributor, admins and helping members of the forum) do what we can to help others. Be patient.

I'm locking this topic unless there's a good reason why this topic should be left unlocked.



Pas besoin de créer un topic pour quelque chose qui est en discussion ici : http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/mmforum ... 46&t=11022
Pas besoin de se fâcher, rien n'est parfait et s'il y a un bug dans Flowcode, crois moi que Matrix va s'en occuper dès qu'ils en ont l'occasion.

Tu crées se topic 5min après ton post précédent. Il était 19h passée et tout le monde est probablement déjà à la maison à cette heure.
Nous (valued contributor, admins et membres du forum qui aident) font se que nous pouvons pour aider les autres. Sois patient.

Je ferme se topic à moins qu'il n'y ai une bonne raison pour que celui-ci soit ouvert.

