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Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:15 am
by sgvideo
Hi Ben

I have a really simple program that simulates without a problem. it will not run on my hardware.
Uses a PIC16F610 in SOIC14 package
It is a 3 position dip switch on 1 port and an output on the other running in a loop. if a switch changes, so should the output.
This does not happen at all on the hardware.

I am wondering if the 16f610 config (fcd) file is correct. You provided a new one a few days ago. It refers to 2048 of flash that this chip does not have. It also refers to 3 ports and this device only has 2 ports and only 6 bits of each port

Anyway, I am using this as a fix to a board error and it just won't run.

What is wrong with it?
Any help would be appreciated

Note, I just tested it in a picmicro eblocks dev pcb with a 16F872 in it and it runs, it will not run in the 16f610

Thanks, help is appreciated


Re: Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:16 am
by medelec35
Hi Mitch,

Try this.
I have created a 16F610.FCD a temporary replacement for you until Matixmultimedia can produce correct one for you.
If you place it in your Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\FCD folder, then you should get your program running OK on the chip.
Can you please let me know if it works or not.

Edit just tried 16F610 ben posted, and it appears to work OK, except timer1 interrupt is missing.
I can't see why it will not run LEDs. Also when I look at the pins of chip (View, chip menu) It does only show the two ports.
If you were referring to the ports i/p o/p component macro, It is normal for port B to be on the selection
However it won't let you select porb1 for example as that don't exist, so drop down box for individual portb bits will be blank.
Unlike portA and portC (6bits. only of each port can be selected).

If you are using your own hardware instead of picmicro eblocks dev pcb like you did with a 16F872, then using master clear enable on external, then you must have an external pull up resistor connected between pin 4 and VCC. This does resistor is not required if using Eblocks dev board or programmer.


Re: Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:26 am
by sgvideo
Thanks for the help.

I tried the updated FCD and it still won't run, I tried multiple configurations of the config word as well.
I tried different micro on a breadboard and they function. just not the 16f610

Is there soemthing I am missing? or some other issue with FC I am not aware of



Re: Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:39 pm
by medelec35
I have not got a 16F610. But I am using a simulator that works in real time, and using hex file generated by Flowcode.
Switch/LED flowchart simulates correctly with Both FCD files Ben and myself posted.

So its possible its a hardware issue?
What about having master clear on internal?
Also have you tried a 1Hz flasher?
I tried 1Hz flasher and simulator built in scope is displaying a 1Hz waveform
Can't help help any further without actual chip.

Re: Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:12 pm
by sgvideo

Hi Martin and Ben

After every possible attempt with flowcode and questioning my hardware (it was fine). I had a friend write me simple code in ASM on Microchip IDE software. works without a hitch. My problem is that now I know its the FCD file and not my hardware and that I will be using this chip in the future. I would like to know what is the real problem with the FCD for this chip. Flowcode simulated the code perfectly but it will not operate in the chip. even on a breadboard with LEDS and a dip switch (no other hardware)


PS. Ben figure this out please


Re: Pic 16f610 simple program.."HELP"

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:47 am
by Steve
Hello Mitch,

Please note that the copy of Flowcode that you have bought does not currently support the 16F610 device. We publish the list of devices that we support and cannot guarantee support for ones not on the list. If you bought Flowcode assuming it would work with the '610 device then I'm sorry you have been misinformed.

Of course, when a request comes in for additional chip support, we do try to help (as Ben did with the initial FCD file). And it's great that Medelec (who is not employed by Matrix) has tried to help too.

We are currently reviewing the level of support we offer for devices that are not on our official supported list because it is often more trouble to support them than to simply say "sorry, this chip is unsupported".