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Include and List Commands?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:35 am
by Benj

The best way to learn C is to create programs in Flowcode and then refer to the C code file to see what is being generated. There is a manual on the BoostC compiler available from the "Flowcode v4\Boostc" directory.

Ports and configuration registers have all been defined for you. Simply usse the register name in lower case.

trisa = 0x00;
porta = 0x55;

You might be better off keeping the value as two bytes to make it easier to send through the RS232.


FCV_CCPL = ccpr1l;
FCV_CCPH = ccpr1h;

or to combine into a single integer variable.

FCV_CCP = ccpr1h << 8;
FCV_CCP = FCV_CCP | ccpr1l;

Re: Include and List Commands?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 am
by keshavamurthy k.c
thank you for your information
please suggest me .
i am reading from input from pin RC5/CCP1. i want to capture input signal from this RC5/CCP1.captured value i want copied into variable .
i am using pic 16f946 and timer1 of pic micro-controller.i written custom interrupt but it is not working.any suitable example related please send me

Re: Include and List Commands?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:43 am
by Benj

Please can you ensure you are posting your questions in the relevant topic. IE the Flowcode topic related to your version.

Re: Include and List Commands?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:04 pm
by keshavamurthy k.c
i written flow code for capture input signal
i am using 16f946 pic micro-controller RC5/ccp1 is capture input

1. IN c-code i configured registers.
osccon=0x77;// initializes internal oscillator
lcdcon=0x00;//reset lcdcon register for port c
trisc.5=1;// bit RC5 configured as a input
t1con=0x23;//i set timer1 con register value
ccp1con=0x04;// i set ccp1con for every falling edge to capture
intcon.PEIE=1;// peripheral interrupt enable bit
intcon.GIE=1;// global peripheral interrupt bit of intcon

2. after i call custom interrupt for capture signal
enabel code

handler code
FCM_%ccp1();ccp1 is maro function

in ISR just i want to copy captured value into some variable and display on computer through RS 232 .
i attached .fcf file please go through it suggest me what can i do

Re: Include and List Commands?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:18 pm
by Benj

Again, Please post Flowcode questions into the Flowcode section of the forums. We will not answer Flowcode related questions outside of these topics.

Re: Include and List Commands?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:07 pm
by Benj
Here is a program that will trigger on your custom interrupt and return the timer 1 count via rs232.