time to compile HEX file

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time to compile HEX file

Post by helesmes »

Hello, I have a problem I do not understand it.

I am a teacher, at school I bring from home my note-book with XP system;

On this note-book, according to my students, I use Flowcode V4 or V5.
Either V4 or V5, when I compile a work to HEX file with this computer, the average time is 1 minute.

At Home, I use an other PC with Seven Pro.
On this PC, I use Flowcode V4 or V5 according the work I plan.

When I compile the same work, the average time is about 18 minutes with Flowcode V4 or V5, it takes the same very long time.

I scan this second computer with Kaspersky Pure, I do not find any virus or any problem.

I join you:
- datas about the computer ( Seven Pro), about Flowcode and Kspersky
- a file in Flowcode V4.

On my Seven pro Pc:

When I compile this file to HEX file , in Flowcode 4, the time is about 5 minutes.
When I open this file with Flowcode V5 and when I compile to Hex file, the time is about 18 minutes

With my note book
When I compile this file, the time to compile is 1 minute.

Can you explain me, can you help me?

Sincerely yours.

Michel H.
Datas about computer.pdf
Dats about PC
(373.06 KiB) Downloaded 421 times
The file to compile
(17.5 KiB) Downloaded 410 times

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