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Read and write 24c64 example

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:54 pm
by mtqc76
Hi all:

I am using V4 version, i did not know how to shift this topic, if someone can plz shift it to appropriate forum .

I tried to connect 877a to 24c64 eeprom via I2c to do some experiment with read and write. In TUT there is example of writing and reading, i applied it but there seems to be some problem.

When i used basic send program, i used icon MI2c_SendByte_Transaction i noticed Device ID was not correct which i entered, but it changed in both simulator and Proteus. When I used step by step transmit_byte it worked fine., same for basic recieve program in TUT.

Plz guide me, if possible make a flowcode v4 program which put a byte say 122 in location 1300 with device external ID 0xA0(24c64). and then read the same location (1300) and retrive data (122) from eeprom.

Thanks in advance!!!

Re: Read and write 24c64 example

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:04 pm
by Benj

You should be able to use the byte transaction macros to send and receive data to the 24c64 device.