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Zigbee problem

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:56 pm
by lewisrendal
Hi Everyone,

Having problem with zigbee talking or doing anything.

Have used eb006 boards and eb51 boards, one coordinator and the other end node, attached the files below.

Please help now ripping my hair out.

Many Thanks

Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:01 pm
by Steve
Hi James,

As explained in another post, it seems that you have been powering these modules with 12V, whereas they have to be powered via the +V terminal output of your upstream board (i.e. the EB006) which will be powering them by the same voltage as used by the chip (i.e. 5V).

I suspect that this is the cause of the problem, rather than a software issue.

Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:20 pm
by lewisrendal
Hi Steve,

Long time no speak ?
I believe in my haste I have connected 12vdc to the +v connection, this was read from the pdf which is not the clearest document, this does not excuse me from incorrectly applying the wrong voltage, I'm better than this but with little time these days has proberly led to these latest events.

Thanks for checking them out anyway.


Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:25 am
by lewisrendal
Hi Steve,

I am just checking the board and zigbee modules using your test program I downloaded from your web site.

I am getting error messages from the lcd display e.g testfailed1, testfailed21, testfailed0, testfailed17.

How do I know what these numbers mean, I have had a look at the manufacture pdf and can't find any reference to error messages or numbers ?


Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:59 am
by lewisrendal
Hi Steve,

If I have a "test passed" shown on the lcd using your test zigbee program, does this mean that the chip, eblock programmer and the eb051 are ok?


Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:12 pm
by Benj
Hi james,

Is it the file named Zigbee.fcf? I have given it a quick go using the hardware here and I am getting the following.

Sleep Test
Test Passed

Basically the test routine sends an AT command to the Zigbee module and then checks the return value.

If the return value is not between '0' and '9' then the test fails. I get '2' being returned from my Zigbee module.

The '2' character comes from the start number of the PAN ID in the Zigbee component properties.

Are you using everything as specified in the test file or have you changed the test file to match your hardware.

Eg are you using the following.

19.6608MHz crystal
16F877A chip
HS OSC mode
PortC - Zigbee
PortB - LCD

Also have you wired a connection from +v on the programmer to +v on the LCD and Zigbee E-blocks?

Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:18 pm
by lewisrendal
Hi Ben,

Yes all checks out regarding hardware.

The program is the one you mentioned, zigbee.fcf, and we see the following: start testing, sleep mode, test passed.

That happens on one of my board but not the other 2, I know one or two got sent back for checking by steve tandy and he has found some faulty boards, this is why i'm doing checks to determine which ones are ok and ones that are not.


Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:19 pm
by lewisrendal
Hi Ben,

One more thing, when doing the testing, it takes approx 5 mins before it gives me the test passed, is this normal amount of time


Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:59 pm
by Benj
Hi James,

I see, ok I think we are getting somewhere.

Have you turned on verbose mode in the zigbee component properties? This could explain the extended wait for the test results. I would say it takes between 1 and 2 mins for the tests to complete here.

Could be the max chips have been damaged on the other two boards if they have been powered from a voltage greater then 5V and therefore the signals are not getting through to the zigbee modules. You could use a EB070 test pod or other data analyzer to see if the UART data on pins C6 and C7 is going out and coming back ok on either side of the max device. This is how I tested the boards that were returned to us.

Re: Zigbee problem

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:03 pm
by lewisrendal
Hi Ben,

If the following is seen on the LCD is this working ?

ATD6 1
ATD7 1
ATID 0234
ATNI end
ATSC 8000
ATDN co @#

After this the LCD goes blank, but the program should have receiving on the LCD.
Not sure whats going on, the program was originally written in v4 flowcode, we are downloding the program using v5, is this an issue ?

I have attached for your perusal the co and end programs.


Re: Zigbee problem - No More !!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:52 pm
by lewisrendal

It's been sometime since I last picked up the zigbee.

But this time with many tantrums and hair pulling sessions, I have succesfully programmed and got talking two different zigbees - xbp24 bz7wit 004j, this is the Pro version to the one Matrix sells, this one gives you more range, approx max outdoors 120 meters standard version , upto 2 miles (yeh right !?) for the Pro with antenna according to website ?

Read into as you wish, have not really tested the distance yet but will have a go soon.

Any questions on how to do this please feel free to ask, because the software X-CTU is the tricky bit I found ?!
