Again wishes for the Glcd..

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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Martin, did you change the target processor at 30f4013?
Because the c file has line:
#define P30F2011
The warning about undefined and unused variables can ignored, I remove those later...
But all the errors seems to be at port a...


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by medelec35 »

Ahh Silly me, your correct, Just compiled while 1/2 a sleep (normal night time state) sorry about that.
More awake now! After removing port, changing to correct device this time and adding a port set at PORTF_L (I'm am assuming its SD01 your interested in)
Compiles with no problem at all

I'm guessing whole of PORTF_L is correct, Can you let me know if you want just want me to set single bit 3 of PORTF_L (that's if I have got it right), and I will repost

Also I would of thought you would want an i/p for receiving spi commands (but that could be set up in custom code?), but I have not and much to do with SPI, that will change soon.

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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Sorry I have messed with the files...
The file what I post to you was directly imported at flowcode for pic, and has wrong port assigns...
Lets try again, this should be right version...And the port assign shoul be ok, just change the target processor to 30f4013...

ssd1289 test 16bit.fcf_pic16
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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by medelec35 »

No problem.

Change to 30F4013 and compiles with no errors.

Hope it works for you.

ssd1289 test 16bit.c
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ssd1289 test 16bit.hex
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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Here is the result....
255 frames at 14 sec = 18 frames per second@33MIPS...
So the 16bit runs that code abut double speed/MIPS vs. 8bit..


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by medelec35 »

That's interesting.
So good thing about 16bit not only a quicker refresh time for Glcd but the superior mathematical functions. So rather than using look up tables for thermistors, the temperature can be calculated directly by using beta value directly into a formula.
Me thinks gonna play more with 16Bit. :)

Thanks for the inspiration Mika


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Id like to upload video but the board won't allow load the avi file....
But the text is the same which is in the earlier pictures, and the refresh is about 18 fps, and that is at 33MIPS, think about 24F ep series 80MIPS :P .


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Benj »

Hi Mika,

To upload a video, upload to Youtube and then paste the link onto the forums.
I'm afraid we don't have that kind of bandwidth on our server to host videos directly.

There is also a way to embed the youtube video directly onto the page if you like using the new youtube button available when creating or editing a post.

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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Yep, maybe later, and maybe in the Tell us about your projects tread more about the tft, and the touchscreen, I update my projects there when I have time...
But now the ssd1289 code works bot the 8bit and the 16 bit devices, but the 16bit are little bit problematic because the style of the ports...


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Here is both of the custom components, the 8bit and 16bit.
Unfortunately the 16bit works only at the devices which are pin to pin compatible at 30f4013, and connected data port b and d command port f(if I remember right, the port should be like my example/test file above)...
The problem at 16bit devices are that the port width changes between the devices, so each type of port configuration need own path..
But later I will update the 16bit component that way that it uses single 16bit port for data, but that is only 64 pins and over devices, actually that update is quite easy..
And the ILI9325 support should be done too..
But here is the components, the 8bit is fixed version...
By the way, Ben you say that internal CAN don't work at PIC24 devices in 16bit flowcode, is that the thing at the version 5 too?
And does that mean that the thing is same at dspic33 devices, I think that it uses same CAN module as the 24F...

16 bit
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8 bit
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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Okay, I promised you some video, so here is 30F4013 running tha code at 33MIPS......[/youtube]
And here some action with the touchscreen, 18F6680 @ 10MIPS...[/youtube]


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Hi all.
Little update for the component.
Here is "new" version of the 16bit ssd1289 component, it has fixed bug for invert color print, and the port config allows now all configuration between one 16 bit wide to 1/15 and 15/ bit,all what it need is set 2 variables at the program start...
The Port_hi_mask and Port_lo_mask, those variables are used masking away the port hi and port lo pins, which are not use at the tft component...
Like this way:
If the tft is connected at port b 0-9 and port d 10-15
The Port_lo_mask is 0b0000001111111111 = 0x03FF (portb)
and Port_hi_mask is 0b1111110000000000 = 0xFC00 (portd)
So at the program star should place c-code block like this
Port_hi_mask = 0xFC00;
Port_lo_mask = 0x03FF;
So that way the component don't drive the pins which are 0 at the mask binary..
Actually the code should allow to use ports any way as long there is max 2 ports and all the bits from 0 to 15 are used, so the configuration could like the odd bits on one and the even bits on other port, just mask out the unused bits...
Btw. the display run very nice and quick at the dsPIC30F@100MHz, it's about 5 times faster than 18F@40MHz :P ..

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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by STibor »

Hi Mikat!
Thanks for the help so far!
Pic18f4550 and Flowcode4 Flowcode5 and works perfectly with your program.
How could a "bmp" image displayed on the SSD1289?
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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Benj »


For a bitmap you could store the data into the program memory on a byte by byte basis if you have enough memory available to do this.

Other alternative methods are to stream the data in eg via a serial connection from a VB program running on a PC and maybe store the data into an external EEPROM device so you can use it later.

Another option may be to stream the data from a SD card or other memory device.

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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by Mikat »

Little update for the project, I just managed to get the Ilitek ILI9325 (used most of the 2.4 inc tft displays) driver working, so far it's only at the 16bit, but I post the updated file here soon as I managed to combine both drivers at the same component..
Ben what is the schedule of the flowcode5 for dspic?


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Re: Again wishes for the Glcd..

Post by STibor »

Dealt with the little screen.
Flowcode5 was made. Unfortunately, the huge size of the program.
Resolution:240*160 color depth:1bit.
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