Tell us about your projects...

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Tell us about your projects...

Post by Steve »

This morning, someone in our marketing department asked me if I knew of any cool projects that use Flowcode. Then I remembered this forum topic in the V2/V3 forum: ... ?f=5&t=575

This contains some fantastic posts and it was very enjoyable reading this again. It makes me feel very proud about what we've achieved with Flowcode, and I'd love to hear from more of you about how Flowcode has helped you.

So to encourage you, we're offering 3 free upgrades to Flowcode V5 (pro) between now and the end of 2011. To be in with a chance of winning, you will need to reply to this V4 topic with a brief description of your project and info on how Flowcode has helped you. It would be nice if you include a photo or two as well. Winners will be informed by PM and announced in a future newsletter and/or forum post.

We are interested in any project big or small, industrious or creative, any type of project is in with a chance of winning. And if you have already posted in that V2/V3 topic, then we welcome you to post here too.

Good luck, and I look forward to reading about your projects!

EDIT: DavidA
Hey guys, we are going to have to extend this promotion a little while longer, as with most software development projects, Flowcode V5 is going to take a little longer than expected to iron out all the kinks. Dont worry though, the prize of 3 Flowcode V5 upgrades is still up for grabs, so keep posting those projects!

EDIT: DavidA
Winners have now been announced in this topic, if you are a winner check the post linked below, a big thank you to all those who posted your projects.
Winners Announcement

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Autopilot model sailing boat

Post by Odox00 »

As a sailor and programmer (LabView) I had an idea of building an autopilot model sailing boat.
Since I will use a pretty small yacht of about one meter long, a PC with a Labview application would be too big for the boat. So I started to look in to the world of microcontrollers. I'm to lacy to start learn C and I found Flowcode after some googling.

My setup will be:
-Wind direction sensor (home built with an AS5040)
-Steering RC servo
-Sheet control servo
-SD-card for storing the routes and waypoints
-Solar cells and battery.

The project is in a very early state but I hope it will be up and running summer 2012. I will use the GPS coordinates to calculate the heading and distance to next waypoint and the Wind direction sensor for controlling the sheet for the sails. The tricky part will be when the yacht need to go upwind, how far to travel side ways, since a sail boat can't sail strait in to the wind it have to zigzag.
Some time I might try this competition.
This project is just for fun but part of it might com in handy if I decide to make a lawn mower automatic (or why not a automatic snow blower).
Don't say oups!? Say Interesting!

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Spanish_dude »

As a student I use Flowcode (v3) for my final years project (and little things at home but that's just for testing stuff).

My first project made with Flowcode was a DCF77 decoder / Atomic clock / Radio clock which I made an article : ... =36&t=7745
I had a bug in this program when I started it, but at that time I didn't know about the MM forum so it took me quite a while before realizing what the bug was.
(I managed to finish the program a day or three before demonstrating it to the "jury")

My second final years project was a 16x16 LED Matrix Driver where I displayed the Game of Life.
I had some bugs in the program but thanks to the people here I managed to finish it and have a pretty high score.

Flowcode made it A LOT easier for me as a beginner in the microcontroller world to develop working - and complex - programs.
Now that I gained a lot more experience and knowledge about microcontrollers I like to develop them in C, but Flowcode will always be the tool I'll use for my final years project as it makes things a lot easier and faster.
You don't have to set or reset bits in registers and you don't need to "study" the datasheet of the microcontroller you'd like to use.

@Odox00: That looks like a lot of fun to do !

I forgot about the videos !
- Radio clock : (the newer version uses an LCD to display the time and date)
- Game of Life on 16x16 LED Matrix :

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Keyboard Controller Board....

Post by Sparkoids »

I have designed a keyboard pcb with a PIC18F13K50 which can be used as an interface for a PC or Mac to work with various programs as a fully configurable controller.

Then a PC emulator can use a joystick without any delays on the input - something that occurs with USB joystick inputs in Mame etc.

(Everything worked perfectly on the ECIO 40 and (eventually) will work fantastically here once the HID issue constantly repeating transmission irrespective of the coding is resolved. The simulation works fine but in hardware it flakes no matter what I do...).

Flowcode has been invaluable and has enabled a non-programmer like myself to program micro controllers and that is fantastic in itself.

Ironically, as as program Flowcode is better suited to Macintosh owners who have always used Apple freeware tools such as Applescript or currently Automator and this slots right in there. On the App Store Flowcode would be a smash hit without any doubt - people already program in this logical fashion on Macs and it would be second nature to use. Plus with MPLab now Mac native and the ease of converting PC programs to run Matrix should really look into it.

Personally I have never used the program on a PC and to date (with the exception of the issue of the iffy HID routine) it has performed flawlessly.

Great program. Great support....
Current Setup....
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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by dbasnett »

My project was done to teach Microsoft Visual Studio .Net developers how to correctly use the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class. ... lport.aspx

My experience with Microcontrollers was dated (early 80's) and I was both apprehensive and excited about the project. After several bad starts I found Matrix, E-Blocks, and FlowCode and within a month I had a working prototype. The E-Blocks board is designed to appeal to Visual Studio .Net developers and to entice them to experiment on their own after they have mastered the SerialPort class.

The basic system is an EB006, with RS232, Switches, and LED’s. However, the FlowCode application I developed supports the addition of relays, sensors, and keypad. One of the common .Net developer forum questions is how can a light (or other device) be controlled from .Net.

I am currently working on the documentation, and have even enrolled in a Technical Writing class at the local college next semester to aid me in producing a quality product. A program to test the board from the PC is completed. (typical nerd behavior, saving the fun;) stuff for last)

This project has re-kindled my interest in basic computing; the .Net world and the microcontroller world are much different. I have missed the feeling of my younger programming days when you had to worry about all the details, and how efficient your code was. I feel like I am home after a long journey.
Here are some pictures. ... BDE22F!136

When done with this I plan on expanding my knowledge of Microcontrollers and doing fun things like autopilots. I have told my wife that what I want from Santa is a Formula Flowcode Buggy.

Back in the 80's a friend and I (both mainframe guys) built an object avoidance robot out of a Sinclair ZX-80, BigTrac (toy) and polaroid ultrasonic ranging system. What we knew about electronics was evident in how many IC's were cratered from excessive voltage. Ultimately we were successful, and the robot would run around the room avoiding things. We were asked to bring it to a symposium given by the company we worked for. It was quite a hit.

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by jgu1 »

I have made many good projects with Flow Code which is a really good tool.
Here are some of my biggest projects.
To my private residence I have made a tracker for my solar panels. It is a low voltage system wich charge some batteries 400A/h. When it is evening, turn on all my outdoor lighting,LED lighting. The solar cells can deliver up to 12A max.
The system works like this, I have 4 sensors located on opposite sides of a partition wall 2 pcs. for east and west and 2 north and south. These sensors are measure the ligth via analog inputs of the PIC where there is most light. The Pic starts a motor which is some actuators wich turn the tracker in the direction where there is most light.
When it is evening, turn Pic control my outdoor lighting on. I have further made in the program so I can calibrate the lights when it should turn on. After 5 hours off the lights again. When it gets light (mornig) again, turn the tracker to the east, or where the is most light is. In the same management, but with a different Pic I made a charging circuit. It starts charging the batteries when the voltage is < 12.5 V and off again at >14.2 V. All mechanics are something I have welded together by a few old different things. It works perfectly and has now been running for more than a year.

My second major project is a similar as I've made for one of my friends. But he stores power from the Solarpanel in to the public main supplyer 230V via an inverter during the summer and get it again for free in the winter. A more professional facilities, but the steering of the tracker is the same principle, however,'s management built in a clock as a master controller and photo cells as fine-tune the position. There is also coupled to an anemometer. If it blows too much makes the tracker itself in a position so the wind does not pull it. Everything made in a Eioco with FC. Runs perfect.

The third project is also to a friend who has a garage. He had bought a defective bit older brake tester. It consists of 2 rolling fields where you drive the wheels in, then brakes can measure the wheels of the vehicle brakes alike. As I said, was steering defect and what is more obvious than just using a Pic and FC.
The program is designed so that when the car is moving up in the rolling fields and the wheel hits the contacts start motors. On these engines, I measure the current on the motors through the 2 current transformers which will unify in some true RMS rectifier. The program becomes idle flow calibrated away when engines are started and the real value comes first when you start to brake. On display there will be 2 bar graph showing the difference. At the same time displays the difference in percentages.
In the top of the tracker is placed the fotocencsors.

In the att. File it´s very easy to simulate the program. The code for the entry in boatprogram is 4783

In addition, I have made many other small projects. among different light control in my house. control for a slightly larger boat where you can steer the boat through a control box

Att. the program for my hometracker, Braketester and the boatsteering.

Best regard

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TrackerHome.jpg (66.5 KiB) Viewed 48779 times
(191.89 KiB) Downloaded 20285 times

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Jordy101091 »

(Of course I want to tell you all about my project)

Hi, all

I'm happy to share with you my latest creation, its an aquarium monitor/controller application that can control the temperature, filter(s),heater,lighting and pH.
I started the built of it just around 10 months ago white no experience in programming microcontrollers, and now i have almost a working application.

This project came to life because saw other people building aquarium controllers with there ardiuno boards. I thought to myself isn't that F :mrgreen:ing awesome if I can build one myself.
But how I'm going to do that if I dont know anything about programming micros. After searching online and reading books from my dad I came to the conclusion that it was tuff to learn it on my own without following lessons.
So I searched the internet for a program that lets me program micros in a graphical environment, and came across flowcode.

So I downloaded a demo version of flowcode and started to experiment on a AVR based board (that I used to jailbreak my PS3 :twisted: ) and for the first time Ive god A led blinking :D (so happy).
After some more experiments I finnaly purchased all the neccasery parts to begin my project: Aqaurium Controller.
Over the past months I have learned a lot, I understand more about micros, how they work and what the are able to do. I also learned to work with thifferent com. protocols such as I2C,1-wire and SPI.
I dint know what is was before but now I do and its awesome.

So here is breef discription of my aqaurium controller:

Displays product name (and version just for fun :wink: )
Checks if the one-wire component is present if not a message appears: connect device and reset.

Main program sweep:
builds up the display with:
- Water Temp:
- Light Level:
- ect.
After that it begins updating the missing information such as temperature, light level, ect.

Controller menu:
Here you can modifie different settings like the time and date, Water T Limits values and light level on - off time, manual or auto

When additing time and date you can give the current time, day of the week and date.
When additing Water T Limits you can set the most upper limit youre target and most lower limit temperature values, when the temperature goes below youre goal or lower limit a fun animation shows that the heater is on.
For the light options you can set the on and off time for manual operation mode, you can aslo skip this part and set it to auto operation mode. in Auto operation mode is measurs the outdoor light level and adjust the aquarium lighting accordingly.
Whit this you will get a natural lighting behavior in youre aqaurium.

When pressing the up button we can go to another screen witch shows us the system temperature,volts,amps and watts.
press again up and you will return to the main screen.

Thats basically what it does.
Im verry verry proud @ myself that I have come this far, I hope that I have a working application (proffesional made PCB and Case) for the end of this year.
There are still a couple of small things that I want to implement into this project such as:
Wireless transmission of outdoor lightlevel and a dataloge feature.

Thats it for my application / project. I want to thank The whole matrixmultimedia crew that have helped me whit my questions, thanks guys.
Also the other forum members that have helped me out, thanks.

Here are some pics of my project:






And also my project in action:
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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by tiny »

My first project was a shuttle train for a garden railway. Of the electronics to the layout itself created. Then the programming code with flow routines for PWM controllers, switches and control Mehrzugkontrolle, everything works perfectly. Flowcode is a joy to work. I enclose the flowcode project and a picture of the layout.
My next project is a garden railway control for four railroads, fifteen points and signals, four-drive roads and a connection of 6 PIC controller via I2C.

Greetings Tiny
mini-Layout Mehrzugpendel.GIF
mini-Layout Mehrzugpendel.GIF (25.38 KiB) Viewed 48763 times
The attachment mini-Layout Mehrzugpendel.GIF is no longer available

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by BChappy »


I have always been interested in electronics ( actually everything science and engineering etc. :D )
I have used Flowcode for many simple and more complex functions, however I decided to post this project my personal favourite!
I started my "Laser Harp" project a few years ago, coincidently when I discovered Flowcode! I have recently revisited the project to add more functionality; an LCD display, A/D pitch/ modulation and more presets and 14 notes instead of the original 8.
The original Harp used the 16F886. I've decided to change to the 18F2523 (pin for pin compatible) with 12 bit A/D instead of 10 bit for better resolution.

Latest version: 500mW Blue Laser Diode, 20kbps Galvo.
Latest version: 500mW Blue Laser Diode, 20kbps Galvo.
DSCN08412.jpg (67.05 KiB) Viewed 48582 times
Original Green DPSS Laser proof of concept and new Blue Laser under test.
Original Green DPSS Laser proof of concept and new Blue Laser under test.
DSC002462two.jpg (37.66 KiB) Viewed 48582 times
Added LCD, recycled original PCB and a layout for the new PCB.
Added LCD, recycled original PCB and a layout for the new PCB.
DSCN0872.JPG (168.32 KiB) Viewed 48582 times
I have been using Flowcode since V2, and I have always upgraded and used the Pro. version. For the price really not worth limiting functionality.
Thanks to the MatrixMultimedia team and everyone on these forums!
Roll on V5 :lol:
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Students projets at INSA LYON

Post by benp »

Here are the best students projets at INSA LYON - France with E-Blocks and Flowcode.
Up to 800 students are working on that kind of projets.

We use E-Blocks and Flowcode for quick electronic development.
The E-Blocks are mount inside the mechanic system screwed on a board(see pictures)

Project 1:
Segway like vehicle monitoring on a wifi tablet.

It is possible to see all the sensors data in real time on a tablet. The parameters can be remotly changed.
CAD drawing
CAD drawing
student segway.jpg (51.84 KiB) Viewed 48554 times
CAD drawing: E-Blocks inside their Segway like vehicle. Top cover removed.
CAD drawing: E-Blocks inside their Segway like vehicle. Top cover removed.
inside2.jpg (83.67 KiB) Viewed 48555 times
E-Blocks on their board during development
E-Blocks on their board during development
IMG_2172b.jpg (68.29 KiB) Viewed 48555 times
Project 2:
Driving simulator with a true car mechanic:

Project 3:
Solar vehicle
The data from the vehicle (speed, current from solar pannel...) are monitored on a tablet.

Android phone tennis ball launcher.

This was the very first ethernet/wifi/computer/phone controled project.
The laucher can reach a distance up to 80 meters (240 foots)
The phone send the datas distance, direction and go with wifi. This was before the wifi e-block so an ethernet to wifi e-block was needed with the ethernet eblock


And for this year (no finished yet)
android phone controlled vehicle (3 wheels): the pilote remote control the vehicle with the accelerometer from his phone (he can be on the vehicle or not). Maybe with an autopilot with gps...
android phone controlled segway like: the same as 2010-2011 but the pilot can be onboard or offboard.

The new wifi E-Blocks and the low cost of android phones will increase the project level this year.

Maybe we could have a strong collaboration between INSA Lyon and matrix multimedia...
Last edited by benp on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
INSA 1er cycle GCP projects with or without eblocks:

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Heating control system

Post by sotos »

I first used Flowcode program was when it was still in version 2. I bought Student / Home version some years ago, then version 3 professional and then version 4 professional. I don’t know much about programming languages, so for me it is a very good tool.
I have made a lot of useful projects all these years with Flowcode.
The project I am describing below is designed to control heating system, and heating water in my house.

The capabilities of the system are:
Display day of week, time, display outside temperature reading, display hot water temperature reading, display inside house temperature reading, indicating the set up temperatures, and status indicator, also during set up indicate all relative values.
Possibility of manual or automatic operation, (In automatic mode option for daily or weekly mode, adjustable start – shutdown time/ date and temperature).
Adjustable thermostat differential for hot water between 2° C and 8° C.
Adjustable thermostat differential inside house temperature between 0,2° C and 2,0° C.
Internal temperature indicator compensation + - 0,1° C - 2,0° C for reading accuracy.
Clock Compensation + - 0 - 20 seconds / day for clock precision.
Blinking message indication in case of problems in the oil burner.
The settings are stored in the internal EEPROM of the microcontroller.

System Description:
The indoor unit consists of a LCD 4X20 display , two switches 1 pole 3 positions , 4 button , the PIC 18F452 microcontroller (MICROCHIP) and the inside temperature sensor MCP 9801 (MICROCHIP).
The outdoor unit consists of the outside temperature sensor MCP 9801 (MICROCHIP) and the hot water temperature sensor MCP 9800 (MICROCHIP).
The unit at the oil burner room consists of two I / O EXPANDER MCP23008 (MICROCHIP) and some relays.
Communication between units is done via I2C bus (because of the long distance between units i use three specially IC P82B715 (TEXAS INSTRUMENT)
(I2C bus extender)).

I am using the system for over a year and I am very pleased.
In the future I will add a DS1307 Real Time Clock from DALLAS / MAXIM that in case of power failure you don’t have to adjust the clock again, and replace the temperature sensor MCP 9801 (MICROCHIP) with humidity and temperature sensor SHT21 (SENSIRION) so I have relative humidity and temperature readings .

I am looking forward for version 5
The system on workbench.JPG
The system on workbench.JPG (212.18 KiB) Viewed 48425 times
Oil burner room control panel .JPG
Oil burner room control panel .JPG (192.39 KiB) Viewed 48425 times
Indoor unit.JPG
Indoor unit.JPG (115.36 KiB) Viewed 48425 times

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Jordy101091 »

Hi, sotos

Nice project you have there.
I saw you case for your project and I have a question for you,

How have you made that front panel with menu down up ect. on it.
I'm really interested in that.

Regards Jordy
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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by dbasnett »

@sotos - I saw you have clock compensation and assume that you also saw the clock drift over time. In my app I allowed for a number of hundredths of a second per hour to be added or subtracted to the "time". So far this has worked out well. How did you do it?

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Darren.Smith »

hi all, just thought i would post what i have done and am trying to do using flowcode.......
so far i have built what is known as the worlds largest floor piano as seen on blue peter with the saturdays playing on it, and also seen on strictly it takes to with all the pro dancers having a competition, it was also shown on strictly come dancing last week with harry and aliona, at the moment it is using just basic switching but am currently working on an upgrade.... flowcode made my life alot easier while building this project... have got many more ideas for it which are only going to be possible thru the use of flowcode, video clips can be seen on youtube i do believe, so do feel free to check them out ... re=related

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Mikat »


Maybe I should tell something about my projects too.
I have done many projects with Flowcode 3 and 4..
The car trip computer:
The Pic reads data at ELM327 by rs232, and calculates fuel consumption by the map iat and rpm values, and reads data for spark adv, speed, rpm, engine temp, load, tps position ect, and displays the values at the glcd display....
The latest display version has can bus, so many node can be connected together, unfortunately I haven't had to time to install it on the car, fitting the display in the car nicely is not easy :( .

The boat chager:
The charger uses 2 Meanwell 150 watt smps power source, which are controlled by PIC 18F4620..
Measuring the current and the voltage is done by Linear tech LTC4151 and controlling the psu is done by LTC1663, both by the I2C bus.
The charger can control both psu:s separately, so the batterys can be charged by the book, the charger has current, voltage, float, and desulfat charge modes, current, voltage and float modes work automatically, and have temperature compensation (DS1820) at the charging voltage, so the charging is optimal at -20 to + 40 deg of celcius.
The data is displayed by 128x64 glcd.
Sorry this one I don't have pictures, the charger is in summer cottage, abut 100km away...
But not anymore, here is little video...[/youtube]
The temp is -15 deg in celcius, so the battery won't take much current and only one battery is connected, instead of normal two..

The boat CAN network.
At my old boat, I have can network, which have 9 nodes, the 2 display nodes, just shows the data (speed, temp, water temp, engine temps, batt voltages and current, fuels, distance, rpms, etc) on 192x64 glcd (2xPic 18f4680).
Here is some video at the display and rpm gauge nodes at action
So there is 2 display nodes, which are just data displays at the can bus (well the other measures the light level for automatic back light level control), and the rpm gauge node driver those 2 rpm gauges by the rpm info which is sent the fuel/rpm node...
Notice that in the video, only couple firs seconds everything works as they should, then only the back light control works, because the whole Can network is not present, so the displays wont get any data..
And here is some pictures about the dash, and the old hardware, and new hardware.
dash and old_new hw.JPG
(234.88 KiB) Downloaded 19142 times
And some video for tft displays which should be updated in the dash and eber fan controller by this winter

The eber fan controller node (this controls the heater fans via canbus for separete fan controller node, shows ebespaecher data (power, ehgas temp, coolant temp, running phase, burneer fan speed.) and is the clock too by the Dallas max1307 rtc(Pic 18f4680).

The fan controller node controls 2 fan by pwm, based in data sent by the eber fan controller, this also monitor the coolant level, and sents the alert on canbus. this also controls the servo of the main light level(Pic 18f4680).

The battery node uses 2 LTC 4151 to monitor 2 battery voltage and current and send the data on the display node via canbus(Pic 18f2680).

The Mercury remote node is the remote control of the Mercury 5Hp trolling engine, and its completely "fly by wire" via canbus. So the remote node reads the remote commands and sends them to engine servo node via canbus(Pic 18f2680).

The servo node.
The servo node is attached at the trolling engine, and controls the gear and throttle servos via canbus data(Pic 18f2680).

The speed temp node.
This just takes the speed pulse and temp data (DS18B20) at the modded old humminbird temp/speed unit, calculates speed, distance, time and temp data and sends them to displays via canbus (Pic 18f2680).

The rpm fuel node.
Takes the rpm pulse of the engines (yamaha 50hp and mercury 5hp) and voltage of fuel sensors, makes calculations, and send the fuel level, rpm and engine running data to the displays via canbus (Pic 18f2680).

I also had an eberspaeher controller done by Flowcode, it replaces the eber own electronic unit, and adjust the power by 1% resolution between 30-100%, and has rs-232 output for data(Pic 18f2620), and 2 electric downrigger controller which has rotary encoder adjust depth, one button pull to zero depth 128x64 depth and target depth display, and automatic electronic telescopic boom control..
Here is some pictures about the downrigger controller and throttle remote control
Downrigger and throttle remote.JPG
(142.94 KiB) Downloaded 19142 times
Here is little video about that downrigger in the "testbench"..[/youtube]
Notice that the electronic telescopic boom control is disabled in those tests...

Last project is to update those graphical monocrome displays to tft touchscreen.

But now I had to go with my daughter, she is still sick and now she wakes up.
I'll tell more, put pictures and maybe videos too later.

Last edited by Mikat on Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Steve001 »

This is one of my flowcode projects

Hope this is ok as this project is still under development and undergoing testing.

After a premature battery failure on an ups system the idea for this project was born . . .

After 30 days a relay contact energises which breaks the mains input to the ups
The battery voltage is monitored until it reaches a set value (75%, 80%, 85%, 90%,95%) When the preset level is reached the relay denergises restoring mains voltage to the ups. The design is "fail safe" in operation using a N/C contactor for the mains supply to the ups Requiring energising to open the contacts.

The battery voltage is also monitored by a separate voltage sensing relay which is set to aprox 70% This overrides any tests and restores power and also latches. Preventing any further tests (Just in case)

If during any time there is a mains failure the 30 day counter is reset
As to allow the batteries to recharge fully, if there is test in progress the test is aborted.

As i mentioned above this project is very much still under development and testing,
With other ideas in the pipeline and today has been turned off for the Christmas period this will allow me to tidy some things up and make a proper circuit board for the voltage input part rather then the bread boards and terminal blocks for the power resistors.

The next idea to develop is an additional contactor for a load resistor as the ups is not on full load it takes quite a time for the battery voltage to drop this will be monitored for a faults and trip conditions with the circuit breaker having an additional shunt trip coil to open in case of a problem.

Having an interest in electronics Flow code has been a tremendous help to me as i have stayed away from pics and micros since my college days, it has bridged the gap between programming and electronics as electronic based people may not know how to program and programmers may not be able to do the electronics. Flowcode makes
pic projects easy to develop and test via the eblocks system.

Having done some plc work in the past it was easy for me to pick up flowcode

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Success always occurs in private and failure in full view.

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by thusharag »

First need to be thankfull for this opertunity.I am a power electrical engineer working in mini hydro power industry and very interesting on control systems, so though to design a new control system. But the main issue was the programming as my knowledge on programming is poor. But fortunately I found Matrix Flow code and related MIAC on the web, so I could started the work on June 2011 and it is proud to say now it is completed, same time thanking you for Flow code. Here you can find my project in brief. This is a complete control system for a mini hydro power plant.
Actually this can be divided in to four projects and 4 numbers of MIACs have been used.
 Turbine Governor
 Synchronizer
 G59 Protection Module
 Auto voltage and power factor regulator

1. Turbine Governor – MGC1
The function of the governor also can be divided in to 3 .For each of these controlling are done by giving two PWM signals to increment and decrement solenoids of the hydraulic pressured unit by the Governor MIAC. Here I have used 3 PID control loops.
 Frequency control – To govern the flow of the water input(opening the Guide vanes) to the runner blades to control the speed of the turbine shaft(frequency of the generator). -Before the synchronization.
 Power set point control – To increase opening up to the set value of the opening percentage sensor input, just after the circuit breaker switched ON(synchronization). This means increase the power output to a set value.
 Water level control – To govern the power output according to the water availability(level) of the fore bay tank. Water level is sensed using a water immersed pressure sensor. - After the Synchronization

 Also included the turbine protections - Minimum power/ over frequency/ loss of aux power/ sensor failure (opening transducer, speed, water level)

2. Synchronizer – MS25
This is use to connect the generator stator terminal to the national grid terminals (switch ON the circuit breaker) when satisfy the required parameters. Below parameters are checked.
 Voltages - Generator and grid substation
 Frequency - Generator and grid substation
 Phase angle - Generator and grid substation
 Phase sequence - Generator and grid substation

 On the time of matching all the parameters synchronizer MIAC gives a signal to switch on the circuit breaker.

3. G59 Protection module – MG59
This is to disconnect the generator from the grid terminal (switch OFF the circuit breaker) when on faulty conditions of the grid substation side power terminals. This is called G59 standard protections. The protection parameters are below.
 Over/Under Voltage
 Over/Under frequency
 Vector shift

 The main thing is the time delay get to trip the breaker and here I could achieve(around 200mS-tested with Omicrone – CMC356) the required level(500mS).this G59 MIAC gives a signal to circuit breaker to switch off to disconnect the line.

4. Auto voltage and Power factor Regulator (AVR) – MVR1
This is to regulate the voltage and the Power factor of the generator to match with the set value. This AVR MIAC gives a 0 – 10 voltage signal using PWM signal output to the thyrister driver to control the rotor voltage. Basically there are two functions here
 Voltage regulation – Before synchronization
 Power Factor regulation – The power factor is controlled according to the set value after synchronization

 Also included the turbine protections - Loss of excitation/ Rotor DC over current/ Generator Over voltage/ Power factor deviation.

Actually It is pleasure to say that this system was tested and is being running since October for more than two months successfully. All 4 MIACs are networked through CANbus terminals and Currently I’m working on an HMI with CAN 2.0A to connect this network as a node and communicate with the network for controlling and monitoring. With this HMI I can make scada system with PC controlling and monitoring. Actually I need to thanks you all in Matrix for the success of my project. This project was done using a one of our exciting machine (800kW) and after completing the scada system we are planning to put this system to our new projects. You can see some pictures here.

When on Test
DSC01394.JPG (151.79 KiB) Viewed 47833 times
When Running
DSC01493.jpg (205.79 KiB) Viewed 47833 times
DSC01498.JPG (158.24 KiB) Viewed 47833 times
Thanks & Regards,
Thushara Goonathilake.

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by DavidA »

Competition is going to be extended a little till devlopment of Flowcode V5 is complete (shouldnt be long!) see first post for details!

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by misoct »

MAIC as multipurpose device in physics labs

Matrixmultimedia when launched MIAC (Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller|) as an industrial PLC device they did not recognized that MIAC can not be use in different labs specially physics .
Here I started with three famous physics lab devices that can by simple flowcode program works as the original device moreover the user can change the features of his/her device by aid of the facilities being in the MIAC
1-MIAC As photo gate timer
Photogate timer is a device used in physics labs to measure the time interval between two successive interrupts this time usually not exceed one second
The proposed experiments that photogate timer can be done are so many experiment like
1-merasuring the free falling acceleration “g”
2-measring viscosity of a liquid “STOCK’S METHOD”
3-Air track experiment
4-Projectial Motion
Follow this link for more informations ... =28&t=8938

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by DavidA »

Hey All,

We have finally come to a decision as to who won the free Flowcode v5 professional keys. All the projects listed here are fantastic, we loved reading about each and every one of them, so much so that we decided to offer an additional two prizes as we couldn’t single out just three out of all these superb projects.

However we did have to pick winners, and the chosen projects are:

Jordy101091 – Aquarium monitoring and controller system
Thushrag – Control system for mini Hydro Plant
Benp – Various student projects
Sotos – Heating control system.
Mikat – Boat CAN network.

We want to thank everyone who submitted their projects, even though the competition is over, please feel free to keep posting your new projects or any updates to existing ones, I know that we here at Matrix love reading about what you do with Flowcode and I’m sure many others here do too.

To the competition winners, please contact me via PM with the last 6 characters of your Flowcode v4 CD-Key, a Flowcode username and an email address, and we will email you soon after with details of how to claim your prize.

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by Ken Sparkes »

Dear benp
I have seen your project on Matrix user forums I live in Zimbabwe and we are trying to make a ball throwing machine for a school and then add the PIC control we can not get the machine to throw balls more then 3 to 4 meters can you help with the sec's of yours. or
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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by benp »

Hello Ken,

Spudfiles and their forum is the right place for you:
They have a free pneumatic ball laucher simulator software to download.
With that software, you will understand that your valve must be quickly opened and your barrel must have the right lenght (not too long or too short).
INSA 1er cycle GCP projects with or without eblocks:

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by STibor »

Train in motion strudel pastry is shining. A 12-volt dc motor drives, PID control. The program is made ​​by 5 Flowcode. The PID basics Medelec35 uploaded to the forum. ... rol#p33478 Thanks for that!
Video how it works:

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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by medelec35 »

STibor wrote:The PID basics Medelec35 uploaded to the forum. ... rol#p33478 Thanks for that!
Blimey my first attempt at PID actually works :lol:
Thanks for mentioning me, but the real star of PID is BenJ.
I totally based my alterations on his flowchart.


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Re: Tell us about your projects...

Post by STibor »

I am very sorry that the author forgot. :oops: Benj's work was essential to success.

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