PICmicro can not be erased.

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PICmicro can not be erased.

Post by rene »

While using the EB-006 multiprogrammer, i'ts not possible to write the 16F628 more than once.
message = PICmicro can not be erased.
I got this error message almost always, but sometimes it succeeds.
I've posted this problem earlier,

With a other programmer it's no problem to program the pic.

who knows what the problem is?

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe -cs 2 -chip PIC16F628A -nogui "Wieltext.hex"
Sending program...
Erasing the PICmicro
NOTE: EEPROM data will also be erased!


Writing program memory
Writing configuration memory
Writing id-locations
Reading program memory
Reading configuration memory
Finished reading PICmicro contents
Programming failed:

Program memory check failed

(NOTE: if the PIC is code-protected, this message will be
displayed even if the program has been sent correctly)
That took 21.094 seconds

Return code = 0


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Re: PICmicro can not be erased.

Post by Albert38 »

Try this:
Put the clock jumpers to OSC and place the switches as follows.
SW1 - Fast
SW2 - RC

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Re: PICmicro can not be erased.

Post by Benj »


You could also try resetting the device just before you send the program. This seems to work on some of the more unruly PIC devices. (1 I've come across so far)

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