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Error loading Web Server example

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:57 pm
by go233
I have downloaded an example for the MIAC from matrix web site.

It seems that it is not loading it properly: I have attached the picture with the errors.
I open the file and I got error 1
I click OK and I got error/message 2
then I select MIAC (what is the difference between MIAC V2 and MIAC)
and I got a very strange picture on the system panel, THE miac does not look complete


Re: Error loading Web Server example

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:39 pm
by LeighM

The example will be a Flowcode V5 MIAC System project.
The MIAC System is used when the project includes the Addon Modules.
Unfortunately, Flowcode V6 does not support the MIAC System or Addon Modules.

Our new release, Flowcode V7 however does support MIAC System.
Although V5 and V7 are so different that the examples will most likely not convert to V7 either, but new projects can be created.

The MIAC V1 has a PIC18F4455 processor, the MIAC V2 has a PIC18F4550 processor, hence more available memory for larger projects.
MIAC V1 has not been shipped for some time, all 8 bit PIC versions of MIAC shipped from the factory are V2.


Re: Error loading Web Server example

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:12 pm
by go233
ah ok!
thank you.