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Connecting MIAC to TCP/IP

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:12 pm
by go233
can I connect a MIAC to the TCP/IP network of the university lab?
Does it support DHCP? or it require a manual configuration? Is it ok to use the MI4823 and plug in the CAT5 socket?
Does the MIAC have a TCP/IP component and some examples?
In essence I like to MIAC to exchange messages with a computer located on the same subnet to report some measurement results.
I use FLowcode 6.


Re: Connecting MIAC to TCP/IP

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:30 pm
by LeighM
Hi Giovanni
Yes, the MI4823 has CAT5 socket and can be connected to a MIAC via CAN connection to give network connection.
Support for this is with the MIAC System components, however, these are not available for V6 but have been implemented as part of the new Flowcode V7.
MI4823 has a TCP/IP software component for MIAC that requires manual configuration, we do not as yet have a DHCP component.
We also have a new range of MIAC products coming out soon that have internal WiFi as an option.
Hope that helps.

Re: Connecting MIAC to TCP/IP

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:53 pm
by go233
Yes, it is very useful.
I think, I will ask IT to provide a fix Lab IP address and it should be ok.
The IT people here prefer to use copper than wifi. (?)