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Real time water temp measurement

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:36 pm
by go233
I would like to measure the water temperature with the MIAC.
What is the best approach?
I have noticed you have a series of LAB sensor, which they have to connect to an expansion module? Is it correct?
HSTMP temp sensor and the advance expansion module = a lot of £££ !!!
Would it be possible to use the E-block sensor interface £20 + sensor few pounds?

Re: Real time water temp measurement

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:14 am
by LeighM
The cheapest approach would be to use a Thermistor between a positive supply and a MIAC Analogue Input.
The impedance of a MIAC Input is 10K so I would suggest a 10K NTC Thermistor connected to a 12V supply (one end and the MIAC Input the other).
So at room temperature the potential divider (the Thermistor resistance and internal resistance) will give a mid-range reading.
As the temperature rises, so will ADC value.
You will either need to calculate the expected ADC value for the temperature based on resistance tables from the NTC manufacturer,
or calibrate from returned results.
Hope that helps.

Re: Real time water temp measurement

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:45 pm
by go233
I'll it a try and I'll report the results into the post (so other people can use it...).

Re: Real time water temp measurement

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:58 am
by LeighM
Yes that would be good to get your experiences.

Just another thought, you might be able to use the Flowcode (V6) "Thermistor Base" component to do the conversion for you.
It was designed for use with the e-blocks thermistor sensor, which has the thermistor in the lower side of the potential divider,
but if you call the GetADCValue macro then pass (255-ADCValue) into the CalculateTemperature macro, that should work.
Assuming you use 8 bit ADC.
And as a bonus, the "Thermistor Base" component has default values in its properties for a 10K NTC :D

Let us know how you get on.