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Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:16 pm
by go233
I have tried to compile to the MIAC a simple program with only one instruction (Relay on), but it gives back this error code:
"Unable to Create a C File" and the name of the directory where my simple program is located.
Could you help me please?

Re: Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:36 pm
by Benj
Hello Giovanni,

Unable to create C file is Flowcode's way of telling you it doesn't have write permission to the current project folder.

Therefore make sure your Flowcode project file is not located within a write projected directory and you should be ok to compile your program.

Program files or Program files (x86) are examples of write protected directories.

Re: Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:18 pm
by go233
I created a simple program which switch a led on and off and I saved on the desktop.
Then I tried to compile to C and I had the same error.
Question: is this linked with my software licence? I am using flowcode 6 on two computer: my desk computer in the office and a laptop to download and modify things on the fly when I am on the plant near the installed MIAC.

Re: Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:25 pm
by DavidA

Fortunately this has nothing to do with your licence, if the licence wasnt working properly, there would be an error message popping up as soon as you clicked compile explaining that you did not have the required licence.

This message is from Flowcode, saying that it cannot (for whatever reason - usually permissions) create the c file it needs to be able to compile.

I would try creating a folder in the c:\, maybe c:\test\ or something, ensure that you have permissions and create a simple LED flasher in that folder then try compile.

If that doesnt work, check your Antivirus program (or similar system protection software) isnt blocking the creation of files by Flowcode, as Flowcode will need to be able to create files.

Re: Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:58 am
by go233
I have tried to make the directory c:\test, save the simple led program and compile, but I have got the same error.
I'll get my IT person to look at the antiv and access right and I'll report it.

Re: Unable to Create a C File

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:24 am
by go233
silly me!!!!
It was a problem of access. My colleague has changed my right on the account I was using and I didn't realize that.
Thanks anyway!