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MIAC powered with 24V

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:04 pm
by Odox00
I'm interesting in using a MIAC in a project at my work. Since I'm used to program in Flowcode.
Thing is that all other equipment in the project will run on the industrial standard 24V. I noticed that MIAC power supply voltage is 12-16V. Will the MIAC unit blow if I feed it with 24V? If so, I have to use the Crouzet millenium 3 instead.

Re: MIAC powered with 24V

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:33 am
by LeighM
Using 24V is not advised. The MIAC will probably not blow, but you might have long term reliability issues, depending on how it is used, ambient temperature, etc.

It would be best to provide a separate supply, either stepped down from 24V or AC adapter, for the MIAC supply, which nominally consumes around 100mA. The transistor/motor driver supply can be as high as 24V.