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How to use 7 seg Display?!? FlowCode3 PRO Version

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:23 am
by rcosta
Hi Mr.

I`d like to know if someone can give me a BIG Help about how can I use in FlowCode3 a 7 segment display as CATHODE COMMON?
Its because I have to work with the display 7 seg (Cathode Common) and not the ANODE COMMON that exist in FlowCode.

I`ve heard that I`ll need to change something in the C Code, but it is my question and I could really appreciate the help of someone on this subject, as example:

- Which C Code File do I need to change? Which line?
- What do I need to re-write to be allowed to work with CATHODE COMMON display?

PLEASE, IF some good person know how to do that, help-me please, is just what I ask!

P.S1.: I ask sorry about my English, its because I`m a Portuguese speaker from Brazil and this support forum is only in English so I have double difficulties. :(
P.S2.: Where do I get the last updates for my Professional License of FlowCode 3 for PICmicro?

Thanks in advance for any one that can help-me!

Best Regards,
Rodrigo Costa.

Re: How to use 7 seg Display?!? FlowCode3 PRO Version

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:53 am
by rcosta

Is this changing in FlowCode 3 too difficult that no one know how to do it work with a 7 Seg Cathode Common display?! Including a Matrix Support Team? :shock:

I`m really impressed!

16 views in this post and no answers! Howww it is outstanding for a Forum board specific for this! :oops:


Re: How to use 7 seg Display?!? FlowCode3 PRO Version

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:19 am
by Steve
The C code files for the components are in the "components" folder of Flowcode. I believe I explained to you on Friday via email that Flowcode only supports a common-cathode 7seg display and if you needed to create a common-anode version, you would need to write your own C code and were essentially on your own.

And sorry that you have not received a reply until now. I have been busy with my children over the weekend and could not find the time to answer you until now.

Re: How to use 7 seg Display?!? FlowCode3 PRO Version

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:41 am
by rcosta
Dear Steve,

Thank you very much for your Reply!

So, I did understand you with the mail...but I do not have knowledge to write a C routine changing from the actual ANODE common to CATHODE common! :cry:

So, I just ask if you or someone could give to me the necessary C routine to use as Cathode common...or is it ask so much :?:
Does not have any problem if Matrix cannot support this routine...I`m responsable for the changing.

And, I bought FlowCode because I do not know to program by some PIC language so I cannot change or build a C routine alone.

Thank you for your attencion.

Rodrigo Costa.

Re: How to use 7 seg Display?!? FlowCode3 PRO Version

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:43 pm
by goldwingers
I would suggest you check out the Matrix multimedia web site and look under the Eblocks hardware for EB008-30-1 and download the PDF file, this shows a 4 segment common Anode schematic.
To change this to a common cathode use a transistor to switch cathode via port A and feed the anodes from port B. Simple electronic switching

I have added a simple PDF to show how I do the change
