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Help required configuring Flowcode

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:04 pm
by Steve001
can anybody help me ? Dont know if i have posted this in the right place sorry if not

i am trying to set up my flow code with my experimenter board and programmer.

programmer is a microchip pikkit 2
experimenter board is NX-877 Plus II from

i am getting errors ( see attaches screen shots)

pic of config error i saved as a hex file then opened the programmer software then imported to try and write to chip

can anybody advise as to what is wrong and how to sort it


Re: Help required configuring Flowcode

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:43 am
by Benj

I think that the problems is that you have to manually include the configuration data. Please see the attached document for details of how to do this.