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Component Flowcode V2 to Flowcode V3 don't work

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:53 am
Electronic teacher
LT Jules VErnes Chateau Thierry

Good morning

I created a component in Flowcode V2 and VBasic5, it works.
I tried to put it on FLOWCODEV3 but the component remains
I used the same procedure SDK


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Component Categories \ (8C2D4C41-01CD-11d5-894E-0002E3044BA9)]
"409" = "RoboSoft Components"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ (C3A2736D-12BB-4F58-8ECC-9C98CA7B8182) \ Implemented Categories \ (8C2D4C41-01CD-11D5-894E-0002E3044BA9)]

but it does not.

I tried to put the name component "FlowcodeV3.Component"
but same result

Can I use clsID of custom component?

I know that you do not support for the SDK, but I spent time for this feature, and I'd like to use it in V3!
Could you help me a little!

Thank you


Re: Component Flowcode V2 to Flowcode V3 don't work

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:24 am
by Steve
No problem. Flowcode V3 has a different component category than V2. The new category is:


We used a different category so that V2 and V3 of Flowcode could be used on the same PC without too many complications.

If you intend to use the AVR or ARM versions of Flowcode, these also have different categories:

Code: Select all

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{CC39DE36-C9AD-4bc7-BCBC-9FCA944F72DF}]
"409"="FlowCode Components"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{CC403257-7D88-4608-860C-7B081651EE3C}]
"409"="FlowCode_ARM Components"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{DD89A21E-4AC9-43d5-A200-B4CA171891C5}]
"409"="FlowCode_AVR Components"
I suggest you archive your current V2 component and then take the following steps to create a V3 component:
  • 1) Change the "Version Compatability" to "No Compatability" - this will force VB to give the component itself a new CLSID.

    2) Alter the "References" of the project so that it references "Flowcode V3 Component Type Library" instead of the old V2/Robosoft one. If you cannot find this is the list, you can click"Browse..." and select the "LED7SEG1.DLL" file in the "Components" directory of Flowcode V3.

    3) You may also want to add the appropriate "Conditional Component Arguments" (in the "Make" tab of the project properties). Flowcode V3 (for PICmicros) uses "MX_PIC = 1". This will allow you to do different things in your code if you wish to target PIC, ARM and AVR versions of Flowcode.

    4) You can then recompile your project.

    5) Once you have successfully recompiled, rename the .OCX to .OC1 and then change the "Version Compatability" back to "Binary Compatability" (choosing your new file) - this ensures that the CLSID does not change each time you recompile your component.
For your convenience, I have attached the 3 VB6 project files we use for the PWM component. You should be able to check your project file against these to see if it seems ok.

If you are still having problems, please send me your files (by email or via this forum) and I will try to compile them here.

We hope to make creating custom components much easier in Flowcode V4. If you have any suggestions that will make it easier for you, then please let me know.