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Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:34 pm
by nils

I alread posted my script in the Component vote thread, but am not quite sure if every one has seen it, or I may be the only one who forgets to set the code right or makes typing errors. ;-)
Anyway, I coded a script, that sets inside the Custom_Code.c file the corresponding MacroReturns, MacroNames and so on, so that YOU do not need to care about them while implementing new functions to the file. I sometimes was tired of editing these descriptions when I tried to implement different things and finally wrote a Perl script that now does the job for me, so I can concentrate on ONLY writing the C code and nothing else, an easy "perl" on the command line does the job and you're done with it.
well, it may not be for everyone, but it helps me from now on in new projects so that I don't have to care about how many functions I am writing and so on. now it is coding -> perl script -> flowcode implementation -> done! and no more fiddling with spelling errors.
for setting things up, there is a short description at the beginning of the script.

cheers and have fun,

PS: you get a free Perl version for windows @
PPS: if you find bugs or have ideas what to implement next, write it down in this thread and I try to figure it out.

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:45 pm
by Benj
Hello Nils

I had thought of creating a Perl or PHP script to do this but never managed to get around to it.

Thanks for your input. I hope you will be happy in the knowledge that your code will aid us to creating new components. :mrgreen:

If I find bugs, incompatibilities or problems with the code then I will let you know here.

Thanks again.

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:58 pm
by nils
I thought you would ;-)
it is not completely bug proven, but it works for me. unfortunately it does not contain compatibility to your style of coding i.e.

Code: Select all

void something()
    some code;
    more code;
in contrast to mine that is

Code: Select all

void something(){
    some code;
    more code;
but maybe you have the excellent solution and can contribute on the script :P

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:34 pm
by nils
dupe, double post ;)

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:35 pm
by nils
so if anyone is interested in what my script is doing (in a brief explanation + flowchart), I wrote up a little LaTeX document to introduce my script and the "Macro" definitions I am altering/generating with it.
hope it helps people that were a bit helpless like me seeing the Custom_Code.c file for the first time :shock:


Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:34 pm
by Benj
Hello Nils

Just had a look through your PDF. It's fantastic, thanks for all the work you have put into this. I have yet to verify the script itself but the next coding that I do I will try it out.

Thanks again.

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:13 pm
by nils
version 1.1b_2
hi there

this evening I tweaked a bit the code for supporting different styles of braces, as I know that you folks of MM do it another way as I do, and maybe others out there too. now following things are possible:

Code: Select all

void something1(){
    some code;
    more code;

void something2()
    some code;
    more code;

void something3()
{   some code;
    more code;

void something4()
{   some code;
    more code;}
there are a few things missing, but I hope you like it anyway.
I used it a few times this week while adding/deleting functions and it worked like a charm :mrgreen:

edit: added support for closing curly braces, wherever they may be. only thing with braces not working is some weird stuff like the following code, but this is REALLY ugly IMO:

Code: Select all

void Test(short Foo){int Bar;
    more code;
PS: comments and bug reports are always welcome.

Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:48 pm
by nils
version 1.2
changed recognition of functions, so that ugly things like this one

Code: Select all

void Test(char Foo, short Bar){ugly code; do not try to do so;}
will result in

Code: Select all

void Test(char Foo, short Bar){
ugly code; do not try to do so;
and now time stamps of the backups are a bit nicer than before e.g. Custom_Code.c.Sat_Feb_23_13-43-23_2008.


Re: Custom_Code.c coding help:Perl script

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:24 pm
by nils
Hi there

new updated version of the documentation:
- changed flowchart
- added a short description how to invoke the script in Win/Lin/Uni/Mac environments

have fun with it