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Adding 16C55 device in "Choose a Target"

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:22 am
by tanlipseong
Hi Flowcode Developer.

I found 35Pcs of 16C55 in my company, they are legacy device, rather than throw them away, i want to use them.

I know that adding a .fcd file will add a device in "Choose a Target", but what are the content of .fcd file should i put in?

It would be best if you can help to send me a link to download the 16F55.fcd file.

Thanks in advance

Re: Adding 16C55 device in "Choose a Target"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:25 pm
by Benj

Unfortunatley the 16C55 device is not supported by the V3 BoostC compiler and therefore you will be unable to use Flowcode to compile code for this device.