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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:05 am
by jadiflow

I have a project where I want to use the 18F14K22. However this chip is not listed in the Target selection in Flowcode V3.
Is there an update to this list that has the F14K22?
I have V4 on order; would it be available in there?


Jan Didden

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:39 pm
Hallo jan

Report this postReply with quote Re: PICkit programmer
by Benj on Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:27 am

Hello Wolfgang

I have created the new definitions for the 18F45K20 family of devices. Please extract the archive into your Flowcode V4 folder, restart Flowcode and the new devices should appear. Note that PPP will not currently support these new devices.Attachments
(21.54 KB) Downloaded 9 times Regards
Ben Rowland
Matrix Multimedia

it is in the v4 pickit programmer

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:16 am
by Benj
Hello Jan

The 18F14K22 device is curently not supported by the BoostC compiler supplied with V3 or V4 of Flowcode. Therefore it is currently impossible for us to support this device. It is possible that this may become available in V4 if BoostC add this target to their supported device list.

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:31 pm
by jadiflow
Hello Ben, thanks for the info.

The reason I asked is that the 18F14Kxx has 8kW of flash men while being pin compatible with the 20-pin 16F6xx (4kW mem) family.
Do I read your reply that BoostC doesn't currently support any PIC beyond 4kW flash mem?

Jan Didden

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:28 pm
by kersing

BoostC supports several devices with flash > 4kW (example is the 18F4550 with 16kW), just not the one you are looking at.

Best regards,


Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:36 pm
by Benj
Hello Jan

No I think its just the 18F14K22 device that is currently not supported. There should be other larger memory space devices available.

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:24 am
by jadiflow
OK Jac, Ben,

Seems I'm out of luch finding a larger mem space device pin-compatible with the 16F690. Another pcb revision ... :-(

Jan Didden

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:59 pm
by Benj
Hello Jan

What about the 20-pin 18F14K50? Flowcode V4 supports this chip and it has a larger amount of RAM memory space then the 18F14K22.

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:13 pm
by jadiflow
Indeed V4 lists the 18F14K50, and you can select it, but as soon as you want to use it, (like 'Configure') there is an error message "Unrcognised PIC on command line'. Same with (I just tried one) the F13k50.
The 14K50 and 13K50 .fdc files are in the V4/FCD/ directory.
What gives?

Edit: the 18F1331 is in the select list, but there is no .fcd for it, and V4 reports 'Unable to create microcontroller 18F1331 as the definition file 18F1331.fdc is missing or corrupt. [0x200]'.

So for the 14k50 the .fcd doesn't seem to be the problem.

Jan Didden

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:32 pm
by Benj
Hello Jan

The 18F14K50 and 18F13K50 are both fully supported in Flowcode but PPP is currently unable to program or configure these devices. If you are using a third party programming tool like the PICkit then this is fine. If however you are using our hardware to program these devices then currently these specific devices are unsupported due to an alteration in the Microchip programming algorythm.

Its strange your getting an 18F1331 device, this device is not present here and also if there is no FCD file then the device should not be appearing in Flowcode at all.

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:24 am
by jadiflow
Hi Ben,

Well, it doesn't seem that simple. I cannot select the chip in the 'simple configure' menu panel because none of the 18F types are listed there. When I switch to the 'expert menu panel' the 18F14K50 is listed but when selected leads to an error message, possibly because the 'expert panel' is actually the PPP programmer which as you noted doesn't support the 14K50 (message is 'unrecognized pic type on cmd line').

I have so far used a PicStart Plus to program my controllers; since that doesn't support the 14K50 I need a new one so I might as well get myself a PicIt or whatever, no issue here. But right now Flowcode V4 refuses to deal with the 14K50. How can we proceed here?

Edit: the 18F1331 is actually listed twice in the expert panel. Looks like a fluke.

Jan Didden

Re: 18F14K22?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:42 am
by jadiflow
I tried to configure the chip without using the PPP programmer (un-check the appropriate option in the compiler options menu), but that only lets me set the config word but I can now no longer select the chip.
Is there a solution, workaround or update for this please?

Jan Didden