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LED 7 Seg. Characters "and" numbers

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:07 am
by sgvideo

I would like to show some characters on a 7 segment deisplay along with numbers. Using the 7 seg driver, I can show numbers (easily) but cannot figure our how to show letters like F (for fail) b (low bat) P (for pass). I would assume some character definitions need to be changed in the driver itself, or is it possibe to do it another way. I still need to display numbers, just looking to add additional characters.



Re: LED 7 Seg. Characters "and" numbers

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:29 pm
by sgvideo
I figured out my own answer, by first clearing the port first and then writing the value in hex to the port for the segments (port b in my case) i do not want (for a common Anode display) and turning on the anode .