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LCD eb-005

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:22 am
by D.Bouchier

My lcd screen of my EB-005 is broken and i wanted to replace it, but i cant desolder the original lcd, i used a 450 degrees hot rod and a suction pen, some minutes later, the only thing that has gotten desoldered are bits of my skin and part of my patience.

How on earth do i get these things of?

Thanks in advance

Re: LCD eb-005

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:06 pm
by Benj

Yes the LCDs are a right pain to get off, you have my sympathy. I have had success before using a dremel rotary tool and drilling the thing off the PCB.

May be easier simply to buy another E-block or to simply solder up a 9-way D-type and use wire to connect up your new LCD. Veroboard would also do the job nicely.

Re: LCD eb-005

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:34 pm
by Dan81
Hello D

If you use a desoldering iron (weller WR 3000M for ex) , it's very easy.
I've replaced on six Eblock, the 2x16 LCD by 4x20 without problem.
