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ECIO Driver Install not working on Windows 7

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:24 am
by mytekcontrols
When trying to install the ECIO driver software on my Dual Core AMD Laptop I get the following pop-up message:


My Computer/OS Specifications:
Acer Aspire 5534
AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor L310 1.2 Ghz
Memory = 4 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium
64-Bit Operating System

Initially I tried the "Matrix_ECIO_Driver_install (amd64).exe" file and then after this failed, I went with "Matrix_ECIO_Driver_install.exe". Both gave me the same message.

Previous to encountering this problem on my Laptop, I had installed the driver on my XP desktop without any incidents.

Any ideas?

Note: I am using the ECIO installation files from my FlowCode V4 CD.

Re: ECIO Driver Install not working on Windows 7

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:49 am
by mytekcontrols
I guess its a Windows 7 compatibility problem (at least my version and service pack).

Here's what I did to fix it:

Right-clicked on the "Matrix_ECIO_Driver_install (amd64).exe" and selected "Properties", then selected the "Compatibility" tab and ticked the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" option box and then selected "Windows Vista" in the drop down list.

During installation of the driver, you'll get a big nasty red warning window about not be a Microsoft verified program, ignore this and continue.

Everything worked as expected this time, and the program appears to have installed correctly. Still won't know for sure though until my EICO arrives in the mail.

Re: ECIO Driver Install not working on Windows 7

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:19 am
by medelec35
Hello mytekcontrols.
If you are still having problems when your hardware arrives, with windows 7 and DPinst issues You may need to manually install drivers via Device manager (control Panel, Hardware and Sound). After plugging in hardware. Unzip drivers (drivers for ECIO can be downloaded from ( ... )into a directory then right click on device, Select Update Software Driver, then click 'Browse my computer for driver software'.
Browse to the directory containing the unzipped driver files. Drivers should then install OK.

Re: ECIO Driver Install not working on Windows 7

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 5:54 pm
by mytekcontrols
Hello medelec35,
As you probably guessed by my other postings in the V4 section, my ECIO40P is working well. So basically the changes I made during the driver installation did the trick.

Re: ECIO Driver Install not working on Windows 7

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:12 pm
by medelec35
Glad its working. My logic.. even though your set up is working OK , it may or may not be the solution for everyone else, so I posted alternatives just in case. Thank you for letting the forum know your work around, I am sure people in the same boat will now have a solution 8) .